Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Amos gripped onto Liliana's mane of fur as she leapt onto the ship deck. The newly evolved Arcanine roared with fury and shot fire at the Sneasel near White. It screeched and ran back toward its trainer.

"Amos! Get over here!" Hugh yelled from next to White.

Amos jumped off Liliana and ran toward them. He saw a large gash on White's stomach, and she was bleeding hard.

"What happened to her?" Amos asked his cousin urgently.

"I-I don't know really, actually!" Hugh started, wiping blood off White's overcoat. "The Sneasel attacked her when she got on the deck, and I couldn't see what happened! I don't understand why she's bleeding so bad!"

Amos heard his Arcanine roar at the Sneasel again as he unbuttoned her coat. Her shirt was ripped just as badly as her coat.

He could see why she was bleeding so much now. Instead of one gash, there were two. The gash he could see wasn't deep, but the larger one was.

He tore off a piece of her coat and tied it around the wound.

"Bring out your Pignite!" Amos told Hugh, gesturing toward the frozen Grass Types. "Maybe he can help free Seth and your Pansage."

"Do you think Rapi would work?" asked Hugh. "I mean, do you think she'll listen to us? We don't got any gym badges!"

"Try and use her than! I don't think White would care!" snapped Amos, giving White a glance.

She had fainted, apparently by the pain of the cuts. She was still alive. He could see her chest rise slowly.

"And who is this?" the Sneasel's trainer hissed at them. He was a elderly man and reminded Amos of Rood. This must have been another one of those Seven Sages.

"Why did you hurt White?" Amos snarled, ignoring the man's question. "Who are you?"

"His name is Zinzolin!" hissed Hugh.

Amos ignored him too. Liliana's next blast of fire narrowly missed them, and hit Sneasel in the chest.

"Well maybe your friend there can explain!" the man, Zinzolin, snapped. "He seems to know everything!"

Hugh's face turned red as Amos yelled, "Use Flamethrower on Pansage and Serperior! Try and melt them!"

Liliana nodded and shot a stream of fire at the frozen statues.

Zinzolin thrust out his arm and ordered, "Icy Wind, again!"

Sneasel made a strange purring noise, and sent a blast of icy cold wind at the Arcanine and the melting statues.

"Pignite, come out and use Protect!" shouted Hugh, and he threw a pokeball into the air.

His large Pignite bounced out and blocked the other pokemon from the attack. A bubble surrounded the pokemon and the ice repelled off.

The ice melted off Seth first, and he gave a shriek of rage. But the Serperior's narrow eyes fell on White, who was laying on the ground.

"White!" he hissed and slid over to his unconscious trainer.

Seth twisted around White's chest and tried to keep her warm.

"Pignite, Arm Thrust! Pansage, Vine Whip!" Hugh yelled at his pokemon. "Do Flamethrower again!" Amos ordered Liliana.

The three pokemon attacked the Sneasel all at once. Pignite thrust his first into its chest, pushing Sneasel away from Seth and White. Pansage slashed it with his long vines, and Liliana shot more fire at Sneasel. It squealed and collapsed to the ground.

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