Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

White groaned as she woke up on a hard surface. She tried rubbing her eyes with her fist, but her hands were still handcuffed behind her back.

She opened one of her eyes to see where she was. Her vision was blurry, and all she could see was darkness. After her vision finally cleared up, she was able to see where she was.

White was in a cell with very little light and only one window. The only bright light in the room came from the small barred window in the door. But it was only a few inches high, and let little light in.

She was laying on a hard metal cot in the back of the cell. The grunts had removed her overcoat and laid it on the floor next to the cot. The scars on her arms that were usually hidden by her coat sleeves were now vivid against her skin.

The dress she wore was teal blue and green. White had hidden it using her overcoat because it once belonged to her mother, and her mother's mother before her. It was the only outfit she had, so she wore it under her coat. She had now worn it for almost four years.

The cell was freezing cold and she had short sleeves on. She shivered and pulled her knees up to her chin. The only thing that was colder than herself was her arm.

White's arm seemed to be more swollen and purple than usual. She noticed that her rings were now gone. It was hard to tell since her arm felt numb.

She tried moving her arms, but it only shot pain through her injured one. White winced and tried to shake the pain off. Her arm gave a throb before feeling numb again

White pressed her body against the wall and began to cry. She felt depressed and lonely. She wished she wasn't so alone.

Her mind then wandered toward Amos. Did Amos really care about her? Did he love her? Had he felt this way all this time?

White never considered him as a friend till now. But he was four to three years younger than her, and she might never even see him again. The only people who ever showed her love was Sky Blue and two other dexholders.

One of the two dexholders she had gotten along with just fine, but that was because they both were intimidating and strict. He was the one who gave Mira her Feraligatr, and had been like Mira's second brother.

The other dexholder had a bit more pride than White did, and they never got along. He was the one who had turned her in and took her to Professor Oak. He had witnessed the death of Ray, and had been with White when she was meeting with her grandfather's lawyer. Before White left for Unvoa, he had been a bit more kinder to her than usual.

White had no idea how long she had been in the cell. She was starting to shiver violently from the cold and dampness. She was unable to reach her coat, and wasn't even able to move.

After what felt like a century, she heard movement from outside the cell door. White let out a small hiss and pretended to be asleep. She closed her eyes and tried hiding her face.

White heard the cell door open with a loud creak. She braced herself, expecting someone to start punching and kicking her. She waited for the curses and insults to bounce off the cell walls.

But none came. The room was completely silent. White didn't dare open her eyes just in case someone was watching her.

She tried not to cringe as someone put their hand on her forehead. She wanted to push it away, but was too afraid of moving.

The person seemed to be checking her for signs of illness. The stranger brushed his hand against her burned and cut cheek, and examined her injured arm.

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