Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

"Natual, wait for me!" N heard Whitney call in her sing song voice, using the stupid nickname she had given to him.

"Hurry up, it's getting dark!" He shouted back at her.

He heard his little sister running after him. The bag that was over her shoulder was clanking loudly, almost as if it was filled with small rocks.

Whitney caught up to him and clinged to his leg. She had become very clingy lately. He didn't have the heart to tell her to stop, so he ended up dragging her around.

N sighed and pulled her along. Rapi and the others had made him watch over Whitney for the day. The pokemon had to go to a nearby town, and none of them thought they should come. So N had to be left babysitting his little sister.

"Are we lost?" Whitney whined after a couple of minutes.

"No." said N irritability.

"But you said that the last time we got lost!"

"We aren't lost now and we weren't lost then!"

"But we never found our way back, and Darmanitan ended up finding us! Plus you got in trouble!"


"It's true!"

He growled and sped up a little bit. Whitney got on his nerves very easily, even when she wasn't even trying. She would also have moments where she would throw embarrassing events that he was trying to forgot in his face.

"N?" Whitney whispered after twenty minutes of walking.

"What now?" He groaned, looking around at the forest.

"I-I hear something..." his sister squeaked. He winced as her grip on his hand tightened.


But he heard it too. N stopped and pushed Whitney close to him. The little girl whimpered and clung to his arm. It was a low growling noise, and it seemed to be coming from behind them.

Then Whitney screamed as something leapt over their heads and landed in front of them. A yellow Arcanine was snarling in front of them, its muzzle dripping with blood.

"RUN!" N bellowed at Whitney, shoving her away from the Arcanine.



Whitney squeaked and dashed away from them. The shiny Arcanine growled and watched Whitney run. N grabbed a rock off the ground and threw it at the Arcanine. It hit its forehead, but it didn't seem to hurt it. It only snarled and pelted toward the same direction that Whitney had ran in.

"WHITNEY!" N shouted, running after the Arcanine and Whitney.

The forest was dark now, and he could barely see where he was going. He yelped as he tripped over a tree root and fell down. He tumbled down a small but steep hill, bumping his head on every rock, stick, and tree root.

N finally landed on a hard rock at the foot of the hill. He yelled in pain as he felt his leg crack. It throbbed painfully as he tried standing up, but he collapsed from the pain.

"WHITNEY!" He bellowed again, looking around for his little sister.

A growl rose from behind him, and he definitely knew it wasn't Whitney. He turned his head to see behind him, and he saw two large eyes staring intently at him.

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