Birthday Surprise - Neville

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It was your birthday, and you could not be more disappointed. After everyone found out that you were dating Neville, it was weird for a short time. People talked about you behind your back, but also in the front of you. In the end, you did not care. The only thing that made you sad was that your best friend stopped talking to you. Y/F/N was not only mad but furious. It was not about you dating a Gryffindor, but you not telling your her/him. There had never been secrets between the two of you. You tried to see everything positive, but it did not change anything. You just wanted to eat cake with Y/F/N and Neville.

You tried to hide your disappointment, but Neville could see through it. That is why he took it to his mission, to make your birthday fabulous. He had to succeed, even if he had to talk to Y/F/N. Your best friend scared him, but he would do everything for you. That is why he went to talk to Y/N after you both had dinner together. You did not eat in the Great Hall but outside. Sitting on a blanket and taking in the last days of sunshine.

Y/F/N was sitting in the Libary, studying for a test that Snape announced for tomorrow. Your friend heard Neville's footsteps and rolled the eyes. "If you want me to make up with Y/N, do not even try to talk to me." Neville knew that you would be hurt if you would hear those words. Friendship meant everything to you, and for Y/F/N not to care about it would break your heart even more.

"I do not understand why you are mad at her," Neville asked and sat down next to Y/F/N. Your friend sighed and turned away from Neville, "I am not mad, I just think that we are not as close as we used to be. She did not tell me that you guys were dating and it makes me sad. We are, well I think were, best friends. I may be stubborn, but even if I would go and talk to her, she would not want me to." Neville was quiet but had a small smile on his lips. "I do not think that, Y/F/N." Your friend frowned, "How do you know?" Neville chuckled while he stood up from his seat. "Trust me. Just come at 8:30 PM to the kitchens," And with that, the boy left.

You and Neville met up at 8:00 PM and ate cake together. It was made with chocolate and "Feliz Aniversário Y/N," was written on it with a yellow cream. It was "Happy Birthday" in Portuguese and it made you happy. After all, you and your family came from Portugal. You both laughed at some jokes and shared kisses. Short before 8:30 PM, both of you heard the doors open. You turned around and your mouth dropped. In the front of you was your best friend. The same one who did not exchange a word with you in the past days. Y/F/N came closer and smiled softly. You stood up, once Y/F/N was right next to you. Both of your mouths opened and the same words came out, "I am so sorry," Once you both said the similar thing, you started laughing.

Once the waves of laughter died down, you brought your friend into a hug. No words were needed because you knew the each other better as anyone else did. You pulled away and realized that Neville was still right next to you. "How did you know we were here?" You asked and your best friend smiled at Neville. "A bird told me that you would be here and made me realized that I was wrong," Y/F/N said and you had a few tears rolling down your face. "No, it is okay. I should have told you about it. You are my best friend." Both of you were now a crying mess, but utterly happy.

You turned back to Neville and gave him a sweet kiss. "Thank you for being the best boyfriend I ever had." Neville took your hand. "Do not thank me. I just wanted to you to have the best birthday and it includes Y/F/N."

For the rest of the night, you not only had your best friend back but also realized that Neville more than just your boyfriend. He was the love of your life, and you could not be more thankful to be able to spend your future life with him. If you really want to know, they did.

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