Chapter 2

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"Get ready Becca!" Mom called from downstairs.

My eyelids fluttered open as the sunlight seeping through my window stung my eyes. I groaned and burrowed under my covers.

"Come on Becca!" Mom yelled.

"I'm coming!" I snarled. Reluctantly, I edged out of bed and made my way downstairs. I stumbled into the kitchen and saw Mom preparing scrambled eggs. Dad was at the table on his phone, probably browsing through Facebook.

"How'd you sleep honey?" Mom cooed.

"Fine." I grumbled. Mom set a plate full of eggs in front of me. I grabbed the fork that was next to me and started to dig in. The food was gone in seconds. I didn't bother to take my plate to the sink. I knew Mom would just do it.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth. Then, I went to my room to get dressed. I put on a navy blue tank top and a pair of light jean shorts. I struggled with the tank top for a second, but eventually got my wings through the holes I cut into the back. You'd think with 17 years of experience with having wings I'd be a pro by now. The struggle is real.

"The bus is here!" Dad yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

I snatched my MP3 player off of my dresser and rolled my suitcase down the stairs along with me. Mom and Dad were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Mom smiled reassuringly.

"Have a good time sweetie." She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight. "Have a good attitude about this, okay?"

"Sure." I responded. My Dad came over and gave me a hug too. "Bye."

"Bye!" They chorused.

'They almost seem happy to get rid of me.' I thought grumpily as I made my way to the bus awaiting my arrival. The bus doors creaked open as I neared it. I hauled my suitcase up the steep steps and sat down close to the front.

My parents waved from the front door as the bus started to crawl away. Mom looked like she had tears in her eyes. I smiled and waved back. 

'Mom's right, I should have a better attitude about this.' I thought. 'Things really haven't been the same after he left.' I pulled out my MP3 player and started listening to the pop music I liked, banishing all thoughts of him from my mind.

One by one, kids were boarding the bus. Most of them went to the back of the bus so they'd be out of the bus driver's line of sight. They're were a pair of girls giggling and pointing at their phones, probably swooning over a hot guy. I scoffed.

'If only they knew.' I thought.

I gazed out my window as a Kelly Clarkson song sounded in my ears. The white, fluffy clouds were rolling over a thick forest beaming with life. I spotted a doe and a fawn on the side of the road, staring at the bus with wide eyes.

'If only life's problems were just to simply not get run over by a car.' 

"Excuse me?" A voice just loud enough to penetrate my music startled me. I took out one of my earbuds and looked over. There was a girl with long black hair and purple eyes staring at me.

"Do you... do you mind if... if I...."

" If you can sit here?" I finished. The girl nodded. "Well, be my guest. It's not like I'm expecting anyone."

"Thank you." The girl sat down beside me, her hands folded over her lap all lady-like. She didn't say another word either.

I pulled out my other earbud and shoved the MP3 player into my suitcase. Turning back to her, I asked, "What's your name?"

My Summer in Cabin 9Where stories live. Discover now