Chapter 10

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All the next day I didn't really talk to Jackson. I was afraid that Amara was right about him. Could be really be responsible for Violets death? I didn't want to confront the matter, so I just
avoided it.

I had talked to Amara about Jackson, and I can see how she could see him as someone keeping a secret. A big secret like killing someone.

She told me to just ask him, but I was to afraid. What if he got mad at me and tried to kill while I was sleeping? I wasn't going to take the chance.I

Anyways, I took Amara's advice and visited the infirmary. The woman there said that I bruised my wing pretty bad and managed to cut open the flesh. She told me to just rest it for a while and I'd be fine.

At the moment, I was coming from dinner and was about to enter my cabin when I heard a voice.

"Don't worry, I did my part. It's all taken care of." Jackson's voice was muffled by the door. My blood ran cold. Quietly, I snuck around the cabin and peered through the window. He was on the phone.

"It's not like you would care if I didn't do it, you don't care about anything." Jackson almost yelled. His fists were clenched like he was about to punch something. "You don't even care enough to support me!"

'He's talking about killing Violet.' I thought, covering my mouth. 'That's why he wanted to be a part of finding out who killed her.
I bet he was the one who shoved me into the river, and wrote in the journal.'

I directed my attention back to Jackson.

"You don't understand." Jackson snarled. "You don't care about me. All you care about is fighting in other countries." He paused.

"What about serving me Dad?" Jackson said, his voice barely audible. "You left when I needed you most. And you expect me to forgive you?" Another pause.

"I'm sorry okay? I just... there's a lot going on right now. I'll tell you when you get back." Jackson nodded.

"Love you too." Jackson hung up and tossed his phone on his bed.

'He didn't do it. ' I thought, feeling guilty. 'How could I doubt him.'

Suddenly he said, "You can come out now."

He turned his head so he was staring right at me. I'm a quick motion, he extended one finger and conjured an ice pillar to open the window for me. I climbed through as Jackson sat down on the edge of his bed.

I stepped toward him. "I'm sorry for spying Jackson."

"Why'd you do it?" He asked, a seriousness in his voice I don't think I've ever heard.

"I... um..." My voice trailed off.

"You think I killed her, don't you?" Jackson looked me dead in the eye. "Don't try and pretend. I can read you like a book Becca."

"Okay, you caught me." I admitted . "But it was only because people were saying things and I-"

"What about Amara? She was your suspect, was she not?"

"She was, but I talked to her, and I know she didn't do it."

"You know. Really?" Jackson sneered. "How can you do sure?"

"Because last night she saved me, and someone who would save a stranger, but kill another stranger? That doesn't make sense."

Jackson narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, 'last night? '"

I stiffened. Guilt flooded over me. "I couldn't sleep last night, so I took a walk. There must have been someone following me and they pushed me in the river. I almost drowned, but Amara saved me. I got a little... beat up."

I extended my right wing gingerly, a wrap wound around the cut.

Jackson pursed his lips. He looked like he was about to blow up. "And you didn't tell me this? I thought we were a team."

"I'm sorry." I whispered. " I didn't want you to worry. "

"I'm not worried, just disappointed." He shook his head.

I didn't say anything, and we sat in silence. "What's up with your dad?"

"In a war." Jackson sighed. "I miss him. But he left when my mom really needed him. When I really needed him."

"What was going on?" I asked softly.

"My cousin has been diagnosed with cancer. Abby." Jackson shook his sweating hands. "Abby Winslow."

"Weren't you dating her?" I questioned. "When you were dating me?"

"No!" Jackson exclaimed. "You didn't let me explain when we were fighting. I had to help her during school because she had trouble walking. I wasn't avoiding you either. I just had to watch over her."

"Oh... I feel like an idiot." I said. " I'm really sorry Jackson. I shouldn't have been so easy to judge. "

"It's fine. Done and over with." Jackson looked at me. "Your wing is okay though, right?"

"Yeah, just a little bruised." I stretched it a little bit. Silence.

"Now who can we suspect? Who else could have done it?" Jackson wondered.

" I don't know. " I said. "There's no one else that could possibly be the killer."

"Well," Jackson sighed, "Let's sleep on it."

" Okay, goodnight. " I said, laying down on the bed.

"Goodnight." Jackson said and he shut off the light.

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