Chapter 3

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That night went by really slowly, I thought that  nighttime lasted about 12 more hours than usual. Don't get me wrong, the bed was the comfiest I had ever slept in. But the fact that the person I hated the most was sleeping right across from me had kept me up all night.

By the time I had actually fell asleep, sunshine spilled through the window and made my eyes fly open. I tried going back to sleep, but the sun objected. It seemed like it's shine got brighter. With a groan, I rolled out of the bed. 

I stumbled to my dresser and grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a white tank top. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth. Then, I exited the cabin and went to the main building for breakfast.

The place was teeming with teenagers laughing and running around like buffoons. I spotted Jackson. Already, he had found a group of boys and was hanging out with them. It was definitely better than him bugging me.

I grabbed a plate and loaded it with food that was spread across the wide counter near the kitchen. I found a empty table and sat down. Picking up a strip of bacon, I nibbled at the end of it absently. 

I knew I shouldn't have let my parents make me do this. I should have hid in my room the rest of the summer. It would be a lot better than being stuck in a cabin with my ex.

"Is anyone sitting here?" A familiarly quiet voice asked. I turned my head and saw Violet standing beside me with a plate topped with meager helpings of scrambled eggs.

"Nope." I responded. 

She sat down without a word. With a fork in hand, she poked at the eggs. 

"Did you get enough sleep?" Violet said hesitantly. "You look a little... dead."

"Not really." I sighed as I shoved another piece of bacon in my mouth. "I was up all night."

"Why? The beds are so comfortable, I don't think I could resist not sleeping in them, even if I tried."

"It wasn't the beds, just the guy in my cabin." I grumbled, twirling my fork in between my fingers.

"Was he partying or something?" Violet questioned. "All my cabin mate did was read all night."

"No, it's not like that..." I said uncomfortably. Nervously, I stretched my wings and folded them back in again. "I'll just say that we don't exactly have a good history."

"Oh... okay." Violet nodded and started eating again, dropping the subject entirely. 

I followed her lead. Within 5 minutes, all my food was gone. I stood up and threw away my plate. I almost left and went back to my cabin, but when I caught sight of Violet sitting all alone, I just couldn't. She didn't have any other friends here, or at least that I know of. Us loners have to stick together.

I sat back down at the table and tucked a stray strand of hair away from my face. "So... How do you like this place so far?"

"It's okay." Violet admitted. "I thought it would be worse than this." She glanced up at my wings. "They're really pretty you know."

My face became very hot. I tucked in my wings tighter. "Th-Thank you."

Violet nodded and stood up with her plate in hand. "Would you want to do something later? You know... like swimming?"

I was about to say no, but Violet's nervous composure and pleading eyes made me say, "Sure."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up with a sudden enthusiasm I hadn't seen before. "You mean it?"

"Yeah, why not. Not much else to do around here." I shrugged.

"Great!" A soft smile spread across Violet's face. "Does 2 o'clock work for you?"

"Yup." I replied. 

"See you then." With one last smile, Violet disappeared into the crowd of people.

Immediately after she left, I face palmed myself. What the heck am I doing! My wings are going to be out for everyone to see.

With great enthusiasm, I trudged through the crowds of teens to my cabin.

My Summer in Cabin 9Where stories live. Discover now