Chapter 13

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Darkness was the only thing I saw when I came back into consciousness. I was faintly aware of my body being pressed against a rough surface as the darkness became readable. I was surrounded by trees, the long pine needles tickling my skin. I tried to get up, but my wrists, ankles, and wings were tied together by a thick material. I looked down and saw they were tied together by rope.

I let out a small growl of frustration as I struggled against my restraints, showing no sign of progress. My wrists were and wings were starting to hurt, but I didn't care. I continued to struggle until my skin was red and raw.

"Don't wear yourself out yet, my dear." A voice cooed. "I plan on doing that myself."

I whipped my head around to the sound, but there was no one there. A creepy laugh seemed to echo around me.

"Oh, you can't see me unless I want you to, little bird." The feminine voice said.

"Then show yourself!" I yelled into the darkness, hoping the person would show them selves. Silence greeted my request. I thought that the voice wouldn't respond until I heard,

"Very well." In front of me, a figure seemed to appear out of nowhere. A black hood covered it's face, and it wore a violet skin tight shirt with matching black leggings. But what surprised me the most was the wings peeking through the cape of the hood. They were as black as the darkness surrounding me, making the figure look like the Grim Reaper, minus the scythe. Instead, as its weapon, I saw the glint of a dagger tucked away in the figures belt. A small smile appeared on its lips.

"Are you happy now?" It asked.

"Not entirely." I snarled back.

"Oh?" The figures smile widened. "And why is that, little bird?"

"I still don't know who you are, that's why." I hissed.

"It must be irritating to not know who I am." The figure observed, making my anger rise. I glared at it in response. The figure laughed.

"Ah, you get angered very easily, my child." The figure chuckled. "Very well, I will allow you to see who I am, its nit like it will matter anyway."

The figure slowly lifted it's hood to reveal a beautiful, young face. Her jet black hair was pulled back in a tight bun, the color matching her wings, and her pale skin seemed to shine in the darkness. She had a small mouth and nose, but had very large, wide eyes.

I gasped. Her eyes... I had only seen that color once in my life.

"Violet?" I whispered. "Is that really you?"

Violet cackled, the usual innocence lighting up her eyes gone, replaced by a ruthlessness I've never seen before.

"Oh little bird, I am not Violet." Her nose wrinkled in disgust. She came closer to me and crouched down so she was eye level with me.

"You see, Violet told you that her power was talking with animals, yes?" New Violet didn't let me answer as she rambled on. "Well, to put it frankly, that's just not true." She shook her head. "Not at all true."

"You see, Violets' power... is me." Dark Violet pointed to herself. "I am a being that can acquire others powers." She beckoned toward her wings. "Hence the wings. Violet can turn into me by will." A sudden sneer spread across her face. "Except, she never did. She thought I was a monster. 10 years... 10 years she didn't even so much as think of me. I was banished to the darkest depths of her mind, never to be seen of again." A grin suddenly appeared on her lips as she forcefully grabbed a hold of my chin so I had to look her in the eye.

"That is, until I resurrected myself. I made myself a human being again. And in return for Violets' act of idiocy, I killed her, and took a small part of her soul and banished her to the darkest depths of my mind." Dark Violet forcefully let go of my chin, and stood back up. "Somehow, she managed to contact you through your dreams. She must have gotten a hold of my power somehow. But it doesn't matter. You will soon be dead anyway." She sharply looked at me, like I was some kind of toy.

My Summer in Cabin 9Where stories live. Discover now