Chapter 12

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The next day was just as boring as the last few days. Jackson and I just sat in the cabin twiddling our fingers all day due to the fact that we still couldn't leave the cabin for anything except food. At about 8:00 that night, a voice crackled over the loudspeaker.

"Hello kids." The same gruff voice grumbled. "I have an announcement. Tonight there will be a dance by the beach at 8:30. You can dance and talk with friends and whatever you kids do these days. Thank you." Under his breath, the voice muttered, "Can't believe that they're letting these kids do this. If someone gets raped, I swear to god I am not filling that paperwork out again." The man coughed and suddenly must have realized the loudspeaker was still on, because there was a small crackle and the voice vanished.

Jackson made a scoffing like sound. "Getting raped huh... sounds like fun."

"Yeah, totally." I agreed sarcastically. I continued to sketch what I was drawing.

"Would you want to go?" He suddenly asked.

"What?" I turned my head away from the drawing and stared at him blankly.

"Would you want to go," Jackson repeated. "You know, to the dance? I mean, it's a lot better than being stuck in this cabin all day, right?"

" I... I guess. " I stuttered. I directed my attention back toward my drawing. "I don't think I'm going to go."

"What?!" Jackson exclaimed. "The queen of adventure doesn't want to go to a dance? You don't see that everyday."

"I wouldn't say almost getting killed twice makes me a 'queen of adventure '." I scoffed.

"Oh come on Becca." Jackson practically begged. "It'll be fun."

"No thanks." I rejected. "I'd rather just stay here."

I saw Jackson angrily purse his lips out of the corner of my eye, knowing he wasn't going to convince me.

"Whatever you say buzz kill." He muttered under his breath. I'm a louder voice, he said, "Well, I'm still gonna go. I'll see you 'round!" With that, he jumped off his bed and exited the cabin.

I didn't even look up when he left. I continued to sketch until I lost track of time. I didn't even know what I was drawing until I was finished and I looked down at my work. It was unmistakably Jackson and I, sitting together on on park bench laughing.

I remember that moment. My dad had been in the hospital and had been diagnosed with cancer. I was devastated. But Jackson could make me laugh no matter what. It was like that was his power instead of his ice powers. His contagious laugh and smile could almost always make anyone laugh along with him. I don't know how he did it.

I sighed and realized I shouldn't have let him go to the dance alone. I put away the sketch book and went to my dresser to find something suitable to wear. I had to rummage through the clothes a little bit, but I eventually found a nice pair of jeans shorts and a white flowy tank top. Don't judge, it's not like I was prepared for this whole dance thing.

After I was changed, I made my way to the dance. The night air as cool and the crickets were making music of their own. I spotted a few bats diving in the air, snatching bugs in mid flight.

Soon, all I could hear was the loud booming of music. I saw a brightly lit floor with flashing lights, and a DJ was set up and jamming to his own tunes. I quickly spotted Jackson. He was next to Amara, talking it looked like.

I approached the two as Amara spotted me. She saved and called out, "Hey Becca!" Then, she turned to Jackson and said snarkly, "I thought she wasn't coming."

Jackson completely ignored her and came up to me with a huge smile on his face. He was dressed in a light blue button up shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"I knew you'd come eventually." He said .

"I had to." I replied.

"And why is that." Jackson looked at me, playfully raising an eyebrow questionably.

"To make sure you don't get drunk again." I let a mischievous grin spread on my lips. "I don't really want to deal with that again."

"One time!" Jackson exclaimed, returning my smile. The moonlight seemed to make his eyes look like stars. "Women really don't forget anything, do they?"

"Never." I chuckled. Someone suddenly gripped my shoulder.

"I'm here too you know." Amara's familiar voice chided. I turned to see she too was dressed up fairly nice. She had a blazing red orange tank top and black shorts, and her braids were in a high pony tail.

"I could never forget about you Amara." I laughed.

" C'mon! Let's go dance! " She took my arm and pulled me into the dance floor. Amara started to dance, and I danced along with her. After a while, Jackson joined in as well.

I don't know how long we were there just dancing, but I knew it was a long time. It was at least 10 o'clock. It was the most fun I've had in a long time.

But the fun ended when all of a sudden, all the lights went out abruptly. Screams echoed through the still night air. Everything was black. I couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, hands cold as ice gripped my body and I was launched into the air, but not with my wings. With someone else's. I struggled, but the icy grip didn't let go.

"Jackson! " I screeched, wincing as the grip dug into my still fresh wound on my wing.

"Becca?!" Jackson yelled.

"Help me!!!" I shrieked, kicking the figure flying me away. Then, a hard force hit my head and made me see stars. I instantly fell limp and my mind slipped into unconsciousness.

My Summer in Cabin 9Where stories live. Discover now