Chapter 4

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'Sometimes, I wish I could just say no.' I thought as I made my way to cabin 3, donned in my navy blue one piece swimsuit and a towel draped over my shoulders. My hand hovered in the air, almost about to knock on the oak wood door. 

'Do I really want to do this?' I clenched my fist harder, as if that would make up my mind. I took a deep breath. 'Just do it, Becca, it will make her day.'

Just as I was about to knock, the door swung open. Violet stood there with a lavender two piece on, a big smile on her face. "You really came!"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" My usual stony face suddenly replicated Violet's bright smile. Man, her happiness is contagious.

Her smile wavered a bit. "I don't know, you just didn't look to sure of yourself when you agreed." Violet's smile returned as she delicately stepped down the stairs. "Anyway, are you ready?"

"Whenever you are." I replied.

"Then let's go!" She exclaimed. Violet grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me over to the sparkling blue river snaking through the pine forest. There were a few other people there, none that I recognized  though.

Violet threw her towel onto the sand and leaped into the water. She surfaced and let out a high pitched laugh. "C'mon in!"

Everyone was staring at my wings, their tawny feathers dappled by the sunlight shining through the gaps of the trees. I drew them closer to my body as I hesitantly dropped my towel and edged into the cool water. 

Suddenly, a wave of water cascaded over my head, leaving my mouth wide open with shock. Violet giggled and splashed me again. "This is fun!"

"It won't be for long!" I returned a the huge splash with another, the water slapping Violet across her face. She squealed and waded into deeper water, throwing water my way in the process. I smiled and dove under the water.

Violet's giggles faded into nothing as the water filled my ears. The silence was peaceful. There was nothing you could do to disrupt the calm silence of water. 

I unfolded my wings, the movement slow and sluggish in the water. With one flap, I was propelled forward, getting me closer to Violet's kicking legs. I directed myself to the sunlit surface of the water, the surface coming closer and closer.

I exploded out of the water and I was airborne, making gallons water fall over Violet's head. Then I did something I hadn't done in a long time. I laughed. A honest, genuine laugh. 

I looked over at the beach. Everyone's eyes were on me. Instead of falling back into the water and hiding my wings in the water, I soared higher. Their eyes didn't seem like they were judging me anymore. It felt more like they looked at me in awe.

I did a few lazy circles and dives, earning cheers from the beach. I dove down, the wind streaming past my face. Just before I hit the water, I pulled up and glided over the water. I dipped the tip of my wing in the water as I passed, sending small ripples across the water's surface. 

I tucked my wings in and splashed back into the water. Violet stared at me, dumbfounded. "That was amazing!" 

"Not really." I said sheepishly.

"It was though." Violets eyes widened. "It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen."

"I've seen better things." I muttered modestly, a blush forming on my cheeks. 

"At least you have a cool power. Mine is lame." Violet mumbled.

"It can't be that bad. What is it?" I asked, starting to swim back to shore.

"It's... um... talking to animals." Violet stammered. "Who would want that power?"

"I think that would be pretty-" My sentence was cut off by a loud shout. As my feet brushed the sand of the shore, I looked over to see who made the sound. My blood ran cold when I realized who it was. 

Hurriedly, I scrambled onto the beach and buried my wings into my towel just as another shout split the air.

"Hey Tawny! What are you doing here?" Jackson's voice carried to the whole beach. My face flushed as he bent down to the water. When his fingers touched the water, the liquid froze and caused a ripple effect. When Jackson extracted his fingers, there was a slide made of ice. 

Some of his buddies immediately dove onto the ice, achieving major air before plopping into the water. They let out whoops of excitement as one after the other flung themselves in the water.

"Come and join us!" Jackson hollered, the sarcasm evident in his voice. I gave him the death stare in return.

"Salty, are we?" Jackson laughed and threw himself on the slide. A chorus of laughs erupted from his friends.

A cold hand touched my shoulder. "Let's go." Violet said quietly. I only nodded in response.

"Who was that?" Violet asked when we were out of earshot. 

"My roommate." I said gloomily.

"Oh... so that's him." She nodded her head in understanding. "Now I know what you mean."

"Yeah, not the most cheery person you'd want to be around." I responded. "Then again, neither am I."

"What do you mean? You're really fun to be around!" 

"Thanks, but I'm really not." I looked away from her, not able to look at wide, innocent eyes.

"Becca, did you see yourself back there?" Violet looked me in the eye intensely. "You were absolutely amazing! I would never have the courage to do that. Besides, you're the only person I've ever met that has ever talked to me like I was a real person, not just out of pity." Violet scoffed. "It must take a lot of courage to talk to the freak with the purple eyes."

I didn't say anything, but I did wrap my arm around Violet's shoulders. "You're not a freak, no matter how many people say you are, or treat you like it." 

My arm slid off her shoulders. With a heavy sigh, I directed my gaze back to the ground. "Violet, you don't know what it's like at school. Nothing has been the same ever since..."

"Since..." Violet said expectantly. 

"Nothing." I said quickly, shaking my head. "Forget I said anything."

"If you say so." Violet muttered. We walked in silence for a while.

"I'm going to get changed." I said. "I'll meet you in the lunchroom?"

"Sure." Violet nodded. "6 o'clock?"

"Sounds good." Violet started to walk away. "And Violet?"

"Hm." She turned to me.

"Thanks for being there for me." I smiled.

Violet returned my smile. "No problem." Then, she disappeared behind one of the cabins.

My Summer in Cabin 9Where stories live. Discover now