Half a moon away

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Hey guys!!!! I'm so happy that people are actually reading this!!! Please comment to give me ideas!!!

P.S there will be a few swear words in this chapter!

Xoxoxo!!! Georgia!

***Half a moon away***

***Adrian's Point of View***

My stupid sister had to go and mess things up again!!! Does she want people to hate her!!! Why can't she just leave me and my friends alone! It's not like anyone wants her around! "Rafe, don't listen to my incompetent sister! She need to feel pain for what she has done once more!!!" I growled to Rafe. "Why would she even say that!" Callum, Rafe's Beta asked. "I hope you teach her a lesson" Rafe said through clenched teeth. "I will. I will beat her till she can't move for her insolence!" I thundered. I was furious at Desiree!!! Rafe flinched at my use of language but I didn't take any notice of it.  Nate, another pack member, chucked me his keys and smiled sadistically. "Take all the time you need mate." He said. 

I drove the way home breaking every speeding law Johnsonville had and reached home in a record 5 minutes. I pulled into the driveway and jumped out of the car racing inside and thundering "DESIREE CALLA SOLETTE!!!!! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWNSTAIRS NOW!!!!!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs but when i heard no reply i grew even more outraged.  I slammed open her bedroom door to be met with a made bed and a very empty feeling room. I marched downstairs, my anger being slowly replaced with confusion and frustration. "Desiree!" I called. I was met with Silence. I stormed into the lounge to think about  where she could have gone. As i sat on the leather couch i spotted a white piece of paper sitting on the coffee table. It was a note from Desiree and it read, "Adrian. I have left and won't ever be returning. Just how you wanted i spose. I'm sorry for lying to everyone about Rafe. He isn't my mate, i just wanted to feel loved i think. Hope your life will be better off without me. 

Desiree Calla. 

I read through the letter once, twice, three times before it sunk in, Desi had left us. I called out to the boys through the pack link and told them that she was gone. Rafe and the rest arrived 3 minutes later, Rafe's hands were tight on the steering wheel and Callum and Caeden looked ready to puke in the back seat as they unwrapped their hands from what remained of the armrests. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE!!!" Rafe screamed. "WHERE DID SHE GO!" I handed him the note, too scared to say anything. Rafe was silent for a few minutes while he read it through a few times. After he had finished reading he said. "Did we do this?" 

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