I wish you were here

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Hi guys!! Sooooooo soooooo excited! I'm uploading again! It's school holidays now so i have more time on my hands! Hope you guys like!!!!

OH! AND COMMENT, VOTE, FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOX! GeOrGiA

A few hours later...

***Desiree's POV***

I was floating... So... Warm... Like really warm.... Ouch! Hot! I was shocked awake by Syryella-Rae-Maiah-Roselle-Kiana-Josephi-Niana-Tiral-Yna-Fleur-Gianna-Sophie-Betanie-Charlottee- Laurella-Vektoria-Usaral-Nekti-Dia-Horoi-Nanaikitinaraanawera, straightening my hair! "Ouch! That hurts!" I cried and sat bolt upright. Syryella was born into the oldest line of werewolves and they know they are the oldest because the kept a track of every single child, death, and marrige into and out of their family, through a ginormous family tree (Her father is Alpha Derek). However, the most important tradition in their huge family is that each girl child takes on the name of their mother and so on and so forth. Nanaikitinaraanawera, was the first of their family as far as they know as she was one of the first wolves to shift to a human. Thus creating werewolves, allowing the human side to be dominant in physical appearance but making the form of the wolf more natural. No one knows the genealogy of wolves, so we cannot tell anything past that. 

"Sorry Desi! I just wanted to play with your hair!" She giggled and placed the straighteners on the heat mat. "Sweetie, I was wondering if you would come with me to the adoption clinic today..." Syry asked me and i was immediately interested as to why she wanted for me to come when really she should be asking Nyamo, her mate from Portugal. "Why me Syry? I mean why not Nyamo or Dainee or Catarhina or.." I continued to suggest others who were wayyy better at dealing with children than me. "Desi, I want YOU to come. Not Nyamo. Not Dainee. Not Catarhina. You. Ok?" She said with a certain smugness in her bright blue eyes. "Ok Syry! On one condition!" I said. "Sim? my little sister...?" She asked still trying to get me to call her my sister and practicing her Portuguese at the same time. "Don't squeal!!!" I say, determined to keep my eardrums intact today. 

We pull up to the Cataldo Lupe Mission Orphanage just outside of the city and jump out of the car to be met with loads of tiny, little screaming children yelling "Hi SYRYELLA!" "Hi y'all! How is everyone!!!" She replies, Syry came to the orphanage  a lot as she felt sorry for all those children who had been abandoned or had had parents who had died. I was new to the orphanage so was greeted with looks of curiosity from the children and hope from the nuns. "Now everyone, I would like you to meet my friend Desiree, but you can call her Desi!" Syry spoke out and the nuns hurried over to greet us. "Syryella! How lovely to see you again! How long do you have today dear?" Asked the head nun. "For you Sister, I have all day!" Said Syry kindly. 

"Desiree, or do you prefer Desi?" Asked the nun which i had found out was Sister Ann. "Desi is fine." I smiled at her. "Well then Desi, I have an important job for you today! There is a new girl who has just arrived and she won't talk to anyone, she is 4 years old and her parents were killed in a car crash." Sister Ann explained. "Sister, I don't mean to be rude but I'm not great with kids!" I said, dreading just sitting there with a kid that won't talk! "The lord has told me that she will be fine with you." Sister Ann said with a small smile. 

"Giulietta! I have someone here who would love to meet you! Her name is Desiree!" Sister Ann said and then smiled and practically jogged out of the room. I spun on my heel to face this little four year old. "Hey." I said. "Ciao." Said Giulietta. She stared at me, her expression one of hesitancy to accept  me and joy that she wasn't left alone again. "Sooo you're Italian?" I asked. "Si." She replied. "Oh. Cool." I mumbled, unsure of how to proceed. Suddenly I was tackeld by her! She hugged me fiercely and said "Mama says you will be my new Mama now!" WHAT! HOLD UP! HER MAMA! "Can you see your Mama?" I ask hesitantly, I know how it feels to be ridiculed just for being you. Because of my experiences, I am more open to the abilities of others. "Si! She says she loves me and that her and Papi will see me again someday. They just can't be with  me now!" She smiles.

I nod wondering if she understands why. "I do understand Desi, I was half in the car when it happened. You see Mama told me that Papi was alright but the rainbow man says that he has come to take my papi and mama. I asked him why but he says that the Invisible man needs them now and that when he needs me then he will come back. The rainbow man was sad but i told him that im not mad at him for when he took Mr. Huggi from me when i was two. He smiled at that and told me that if i want i can see them go to the invisible man." I smiled at this tiny girl, wise beyond her years who understands death and loss better than any adult I know. "What did you see Giuls?" I ask her, wondering if she was spared the sight of blood. "All of it Des, Mama only saw me when the rainbow man appeared but Papi knew i was there all along because he patted his lap while mama was driving and when i sat on it he smiled and whispered "Tu sei così speciale il mio caro" It means "You are so special my dear." Then the big truck came onto our side of the road and Mama and Papi  were taken by the rainbow man." She smiled as she sat on my lap, kicking her little feet back and forth. 

"Desi, can i live with you?" Giulietta asks me and i get a sense of deja vu as i recall when I asked Rissa that exact same question. "Oui ma cherie" I whisper, knowing Rissa will love Giulietta. "Does that mean yes?!" Giuls squeals at me. "Si!" I squeal back! "Can i call you Mami?" Giuls asks me and my heart soars! "Of course mio caro!" I say to her knowing she understands perfectly! "Yay!!! She screams and grabs my hand pulling me out of the room and across the field, towards where Syry and Sister Ann are playing with the older children. "Sister Anni, Sister Anni!!" Giuls squeals. "Guess what! Guess what!!!! Mami says i can live with her!!!" She squeals and i'm sure my eardrums will surely burst soon. "Honey, You're mami is with God now." She frowns at me. "No! Not my mama! Mami! Desi!" She says as if Sister Ann is stupid. "What?" Both Syry and Sister Ann say. "I have decided to adopt Giulietta" I say full of confidence. "Desi, a child is a big responsibility. Are you sure?" Asks Syry. "Sis, I have never been more sure about anything in my entire life!" I say. I know calling her sis will soften her up and her smile proves i've won. "Ok! Giulietta! Welcome to the family!" Squeals Syryella! 


Wow exciting right! I thought it was pretty cool how Giuls's parents died the same way as Desiree's mom!

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