Dodging the Bullet

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Hey guys!!! I hope you're liking it so far!!! I'm trying to improve anything i can! Please comment, vote and Fan!!!


***Desiree's POV*** ( a few minutes before Adrian shows up)

I grabbed the keys to the ancient Dodge truck that had been sitting in our garage for at least a year now. The last time it was used was when i taught myself to drive seeing as dad refused to teach me. I grabbed the spare petrol sitting underneath the workbench and filled the gas tank right up. I heaved my suitcase into the 3 seat cabin and pulled myself inside, shutting the door behind me. I knew i didn't have long so i quickly sped away from the only home i had ever known. As i left Johnsonville behind in my rear-view mirror i felt free and suddenly more like me. I put my foot to the floor and i left  my past behind.

 ***2 weeks later***

I was tired and hungry when I pulled into yet another service station. I had stopped keeping track of State borders when i hit Oregon. I stumbled out of the truck and trudged into the Store. "Hey there! You look really tired!" the lady at the counter said. I looked up from the floor to find her smiling at me.       "Where am I?" I asked. "Sweet, you're in Coeur D'Alene." She replied. When i still looked confused she continued on "Idaho." She said, now looking at me with more confusion and sympathy than happiness. "Sweetie, why don't you know where you are?" She inquired. "I ran away." I blurted out. I covered my mouth as soon as the words left it. "Darling, why would you do that? I'm sure your mamas worried sick! Your dad won't be to happy either!" She said. "My mother died when I was 5 years old and my father and brother hate me." I said. "Where did you come from?" she asked, and i knew that i could tell her everything and she wouldn't say a word to a soul.  "I came from California. Johnsonville actually." I replied meeting her gaze. "California!!! Darling, you must have been driving for weeks!!!" She gasped. "2 to be precise." i mumbled. "Come on darling, Oh by the way i'm Rissa! Now you come with me and i'll get you some food and a bed. You look dead on your feet!" She said i followed obediently.I let her mother me as she climbed into my truck after shutting the store. "Won't you get in trouble?" I asked. I didn't want her getting into trouble by her boss because of me! "Don't worry sweetie, I'll give myself a stern talking to later on." She winked at me and i blushed at my stupidity. 

15 minutes later we pulled up at a small cottage beside a lake. "Where are we?" I asked. "Honey, this is my house. Now come on and lets get you settled in." She replied. I followed her inside. "Now you can sleep here uhh, whats your name sweets?" She asked me and i felt so rude for not mentioning it earlier. "Desiree Calla. But you can call me Desi" I said. I decided i would no longer be known by my last name. That name tied me to my pack and to my old family. I wasn't going to be that meek little girl anymore. I was going to be strong." Thats a beautiful name Desi, do you have a last name?" She asked. "No. Not anymore." I replied. "Ok you can take my last name if you want Desi!" She said sounding excited. "What is it?" I asked. " Mimar." She said. "I like it! Desiree Calla Mimar!" I said rolling the name around on my tounge. Nadine liked it and so i decided to keep it. "Wonderfull! Now sweetie, do you want to tell me why you left your pack?" She asked and i froze. Sure enough i scented her wolf. I cursed myself for not picking it up sooner but i was so tired i hadn't caught it. I sighed and settled down on my new bed to tell my story.

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