The Avengers - Part 2

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A day after your first mission with Steve and Natasha, you were walking through the kitchen, absentmindedly grabbing a glass from the cupboard and retrieving the jug of water from the fridge, someone approaches as you pour a glass of water,

"Hey, how you holding up?" comes Natasha's concerned voice from behind you, putting the jug back in the fridge you turn to face her, wearing a blue hoodie and tights,

"I'm ok, completely normal. Well, as normal as I can get" you speak taking a sip from the glass

"You weren't going to tell us about your 'party trick' were you" she questions eyeing you slightly

"I was going to tell you, in a more subtle way but, that didn't happen did it" you speak, sculling the rest of the water in your glass and placing the cup in the sink, "Question for you Nat" she looks up waiting, "How do you put up with all of these guys when its a full house?"

"Well..." Natasha begins walking out of the kitchen, down a corridor to a computer in her room, you follow as she begins typing away bringing up their files with short clips of what each have done, "Tony has a huge ego" she begins directing to his file as the clip plays, "and has his own tower, which I'm sure you've seen. Thor," she swipes left, Thor's file coming into full view, "comes from Asguard, he's the God of Thunder. Banner," she swipes left again revealing the Hulk smashing objects, "is a scientist who, like many, tried to recreate the super soldier serum used on Steve. Barton," she swipes left again to reveal an archer poised behind a car shooting arrows beside herself firing her gun, "spared my life, he had orders to kill me but made a different call, but he isn't here very often only if we really need him for missions." she finishes closing up the files and turning to look at you, "How do I put up with them, well I don't, I join the crowd, I know them pretty well, in time you will too, all we ever do is be ourselves" she smiles at you as footsteps come into the room,

"And I," calls a voice from behind, you turn to see Steve, wearing his Captain America suit, "Was a science experiment" he continues looking at you for a reaction, "How about you?" he questions, you walk up to Natasha's made bed and sit on the end, the others approach curiously.

"Well, I don't know how I became this..." you hold both hands outstretched as you call a ball of water, lump of soil, ball of fire, hunk of metal and create a breeze, "'Angel', as people like to call me, one day I was a normal child, the next I became me, losing everyone I loved in the process." you speak lowering your hands and everything you summoned returns back to where it came from.

"And healing?" Questions Steve as you stand,

"Well," you retrieve a dagger, slicing your forearm, blood seeps from the wound, you let it run down your arm, "I have been able to do this for a while now," the blood begins to seep back into the cut, "and as you have seen I can grow back limbs" you look up at them as you feel the line of the cut disappear. "As I told Natasha before, I was going to mention the healing earlier during the mission but then I lost a hand instead" you speak holding up your right hand which was blown to pieces,

"Please don't tell me you..." begins Steve, all goes quiet as he thinks 

"I what...?" you look back at him, figuring out that he was going to mention the self harm, he falters for a reaction, his eyes soften as he answers his own question.

"It all makes sense now," Steve looks between Natasha's confused expression to yours, "Your hero name is Angel, I was created as a science experiment and given the hero name of Captain America to try and spread hope to the soldiers during the war" he speaks

"What does that have to do with me?" you question, looking to Natasha who is just as confused as you are, however slowly putting the pieces together

"Your name is Angel... has there been anyone to see all of your powers?" he questions quickly

"Ahhhh, I don't think so" you answer slightly confused

"You said that some of the people you saved gave you the name Angel," he continues,

"Your point is Sherlock?" you question, Natasha smiles

"Well could that be a testimony to your powers, or how powerful you may become" he questions looking between Natasha and you

"I have thought of it that way, but that doesn't help me figure out what powers I may gain in the future" you speak, "Anyway, Sherlock you couldn't of made that spiel any  shorter?" you question, his face of confusion confirms he hasn't seen the BBC Sherlock or any of the movies for that matter. Your phone buzzes in you back pocket, you grab it as it lights up with a message reading:


I would like to meet you, personally, today. Meet me at The Triskelion, Shields HQ, top floor, 30 minutes.

Of coordinates:

Lat: 38N 53' 33.78" Long: 77S 3' 38.91"


The Director? What does he want with me?  You think to yourself, looking up at Nat and Steve, "I have to go" you speak changing out of tracksuit pants and an oversized shirt to Angel's attire and fly away from the Avengers compound towards the coordinates of Shields HQ.

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