The Wondrous Stars

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* Your POV *

You took your last breath and looked down at the helicarrier, which you knew the Avengers were watching from, and propelled yourself further and further away from the safety of home. Seeing the ISS approaching slowly, you knew that Tony was smart and could find you through them. However you continued to fly. I will return to them, even if it's the last thing I do. You think to yourself as you begin plotting a course past all the planets towards the edge of the solar system.

* Avengers POV *

A day had gone by since Sokovia. Everyone slept restlessly. Steve pulls a shirt over his head, and runs out of the compound. Natasha, Thor, Rhodes and Tony are all in the compounds gym anxiously working out. A phone buzzes, to which everyone ceases to move. Tony picks up his phone and runs towards a meeting room, everyone in tow.

"Recent photos have come in from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, they found her, only a small picture," he brings up the photo as Steve rushes in, "She's made it through the asteroid belt and is heading for Jupiter" he speaks looking at Steve for a reaction who nods and leaves the room.

"I'm afraid that is as far as we can see. We'll only know when she's home now." he speaks as the others begin to file out of the room.

* Your POV *

Shit, an asteroid field, I really need to do some research on planets, you think as you bend all of the asteroids away from Sokovia and then back after you passed them. Continuing your course, your mind wanders, I haven't needed to take a breath, why's that, what else can I do?  You continue to question flying past Jupiter. Wishing for some way to capture this moment, however uncanny you hear a voice. A voice which faintly, calls your name.

Ignoring it you continue on, approaching Saturn. Flying around its rings, and towards Uranus. With its colourful sight, the gas planet, some areas are blue-green whilst the rest a warming blue colour. Passing Uranus and approaching Neptune, another gas giant, it's icy surface coming and going from view. Finally Pluto. The dwarf planet. Getting little credit for how amazingly small it is. You pass Pluto only to realise this is it.

The furthest anyone has gone within the solar system and it only took me what, a couple of minutes to get this far. I mean I was flying pretty fast. Propelling Sokovia a little further, you swing Thor's hammer and smash the city into small pieces. You let go of everything, you were concentrating on and begin to relax and your wings absentmindedly propel you slowly back to earth.

You watch as some of the planets fly past you again, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus until you hear the voice again. Calling your name. Closing your eyes you see a hospital, a mother had just given birth to a child. The child was injected with something and the midwife whispers, 'I'm sorry it had to be this way. You will do great things some day... little Angel' and the child is given back to the mother to hold. Mom? you begin to recognise their faces, Dad? This was the day you were born, how you became Angel. The memory, not your memory, fades revealing another. A lady is watching out for her neighbours child. 'Be careful little Angel' she speaks looking concerned towards the little girl whose about five years old, climbing a tree in the front yard. The little girl makes it to the first branch and sits upon it looking towards her neighbour, 'I will' she pouts but smiles. The memory fades. You open your eyes to see the ghost of the nurse and the old lady standing in front of you.

"Y/N" they both speak, as the two ghosts merge into one and a body solidifies to reveal a lady wearing similar attire to what you always wore as Angel. "I was always with you, always helping you, when you needed it most" she speaks, "It was never meant to be this way" she speaks approaching you and cupping your face with her hand. "I had to keep the blood line going" she continues as other figures appear all around you.

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