Fury - Part 2

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Cautiously standing near the smashed SUV, the masked man got away, he tried to kill Fury! you thoughts scream at you, he isn't a priority right now... Fury is you think as you stride to the open door and observe how Fury made his escape. With a mouse hole... clever  you think, as you fall through the hole and into a dark and musty tunnel, a ring of fire encircling your body upon landing, illuminating your surroundings. Looking around you see spots of blood, following the direction of the tunnel. You scan the area for any sign of Fury, to no avail. Continuing through the mouldy, smelly tunnel, the blood trail ends. Looking ahead evening light illuminates the tunnel, leading to the surface. You dissipate the fire and bend the water to help you out and onto the pavement, taking deep breaths of clean New York air. You scan the area to find Fury, a few floors up, rising to talk with Steve Rogers in his apartment, holding his shield. Looking to your right you see the masked figure with a gun trained on Fury.

"NO!!!!" you yell, the sound of three shots ricochets between the two buildings. Fury drops to the ground, Steve drags his body behind a wall for more shelter and peers around the wall to get a better look at the shooter. You look at where the shooter was moments ago to find his gun trained on you. "Do IT!!!!!" you yell as a bullet pierces the skin at your heart. You collapse to the ground, feeling your body already healing itself and forcing the bullet back the way it came. A window smashes, you catch a glimpse of the Captains shield before he breaks the window of the other building. You stand up, sprouting your wings and fly through the broken window leading to Fury and another Shield agent. You land and walk around the corner towards Fury and the shield agent points her gun at your heart as the previous bullet clutters to the ground.

"Who are you? Give me one good reason not to shoot you" she speaks her arm steady and poised to fire. You hold both hands out your wings become soft, and disappear.

"My name is Angel, I was assigned to watch his back." you speak, her face softens and lowers her gun, you crouch down next to Fury. "I can get him to a hospital quicker than an ambulance" you look at her. She nods. You take her hand and Fury's arm. All of you disappear, and appear in an operating theater. Doctors and nurses force both of you out of the room, another nurse directs you to a viewing room and tells you to stay put.

Shortly after, another agent arrives, "How is he?" she questions

"I brought him here. I-I was meant to watch his back" tears well up in your eyes, "H-He trusted me. A complete stranger, to watch his back... and I failed" warm tears flow down your face smudging the dirt and ash plastered on your cheeks. The agent puts an arm around your shoulder comforting you.

"He has a back up plan... Would you like to help with it" she whispers and looks at you with a sweet smile. You wipe the trail of tears off your face and nod. "If he trusted you, a complete stranger, to watch his back that means he saw something in you that you are yet to see. If you are to help me pull this off you must know that this is of the up most secrecy. Not a word to anyone. Not even Rogers or Natasha" you nod. "My name is Maria Hill." she speaks kindly,"Fury is going to fake his death. We will take his body to a safehouse. One of us will watch him while the other retrieves Romanoff and Rogers" you look up at her again.

"Lets do this" you speak as Steve and Natasha stroll into the room. Maria lets go of you as you move to stand next to Natasha and fill her and Rogers in on what happened, how you were assigned to watch his back and how the masked figure shot you and escaped.

"Don't do this to me" whispers Natasha. "Tell me about the shooter" she questions to no one in particular

"He's fast, strong and has a metal arm" states Steve

"I don't know where he gets his weapons from... but they hurt" you continue for Steve rubbing the healed skin.

"He shot you?" Natasha questions, Steve shoots a concerning look past Natasha towards you

"Yea, aimed for my heart too... Why does everyone I meet try to kill me?" you speak leaving the question open for another discussion.

The heart monitor beeps at the doctors and nurses in the room. The atmosphere changes. Everyone holds a breath. The doctors administer a defibrillator.

"Clear" calls a doctor, shock

"Clear" calls the same doctor, shock. All the doctors take a breath and step back from their stations, checking for the last time, for a pulse and administering adrenaline.

Steve exits the room, leaving Natasha, Maria and yourself to grieve for Fury alone. You exit the room with Maria close on your tail. You follow the doctors who wheel Fury's body into a room with Steve and Natasha not far behind. Steve stands away from the body looking solemn and grim, giving Natasha space to say goodbye.

Maria walks into the room shortly after, "They need to take him" she speaks to Steve. He walks up to Natasha hoping to comfort her but she walks out of the room. Once they were out of sight and away from Fury, "How do we get him out of here?" she questions you

"I have one idea, you may not like it" you look at her for approval

"What is it?" she looks at you

"I teleport myself and Fury's body to the safehouse while you go undercover" you look at her for a reaction, "I assume there is someone else at the safehouse, notify them that someone is coming with Fury"

"Do it, I will let them know" she nods in your direction. You walk up to Fury's limp body, after she tells you the coordinates to the safe house, hold his arm firmly and think of the coordinates. You disappear from the bright lighted hospital room and appear in a cold, dark room, with a few lights pointing to a bed. Using all of your strength you haul Fury up off the cold concrete and towards the bed. Someone runs towards you.

"Its Fury" you call

"Place him on the bed" he calls back

Shortly after helping the doctor with his procedure, he leaves you sitting beside Fury watching the heart monitor as it comes to a steady beep. He wakes shortly after, slowly craning his head to see who is watching over him.

"Angel..." he speaks, a solemn smile stretches across your face

"Fury, I'm really sorry, I failed. I found you just before you were shot and then he shot me" tears well up in your eyes

"When you found me, could you of saved me?" he questions

"No, I don't think I could of" you speak looking at him

"Then why are you crying?" he questions, as you quickly wipe tears off your face

"Because... I made a vow... to not let anyone die by my hand unless I know I cannot save them. I hadn't known your plan..." you continue

"Did Maria trust you?" he cuts in. All you manage is nodding your head at his question. "I'm glad she did" he speaks reassuring you that you did the right thing.


Fury, Maria and Natasha sit at a table littered with floor plans, a briefcase and a computer, while you, Sam and Steve stand around Natasha as Steve fills you in about the masked figure. Explaining that he is Steve's friend from before the super soldier serum and is name is Bucky Barnes a.k.a. The Winter Soldier.

"We have to stop the launch" speaks Natasha

"That we will, with these" speaks Fury opening the briefcase in front of him revealing three large sim cards

"Once the helicarriers reach 3000 feet" a pause as Maria shows us the computer screen, "the'll triangulate with insight satelights becoming fully weaponised"

"We need to breach those helicarriers and replace their targeting blades, with one of our own" speaks Fury

"One or Two won't do, we need to link all three for this plan to work" continues Maria

"If one of those ships remain operational, people will die" you speak scanning everyones faces, landing on Steves

"Y/N, can you teleport people?" Steve questions suspiciously

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