Foster Care

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After watching Steve walk away, you went to find your appointed room, two floors down. You sit on the end of the bed, create a ring of fire on the floor and stare into its abyss. The middle of the fire becomes a memory;

"Hey! No running inside the house!" calls Mrs Spencer the lady in charge of the foster home, "Y/N! Why are you still running?" she screams at you as you run past an open doorway to the kitchen. You stop running and come into her sight, with tear stained cheeks and balled up fists. You were going to kill those boys, "Whats wrong?" her stern demeanor depletes leaving a worried expression.

You hadn't really talked to anyone since what happened to your parents. The most a social services lady got out of you was your name, what happened to the house and how you survived. Leaving out no detail, she thought you were crazy, so when a detective came in to talk to you, you mentioned nothing about your powers. Less than 24 hours later you found out that no-one in your family wanted you, and were put into the system. This was the first place they sent you. 

"Were they talking about your parents again?" she questions and you nod, she crouches and gently tilts your face to her eye level, "I don't believe what they say." she begins as another tear follows the trail down your face, "Your parents were good people, they loved this town, they loved this community" she wipes your tears away as footsteps come running into the kitchen,

"Witch!" one of the boys screams, pointing directly at you as you turn around

"Boys!" Mrs Spencer calls, "What have I told you about treating newcomers?" she questions, not waiting for a response

"Witch!" another boy calls, walking to the front of the small group, he looked to be the eldest, "Her parents, found dead in a house, burning to the ground with one survivor" he speaks looking down on you, "What else do you think she is?" he questions staring into your eyes, his hazel ones burning with hatred.

"Leave me alone" you whimper as a tear falls down your cheek

"Aww, look, I made her cry" he speaks reaching his hand to grab your cheek, slapping his hand away

"Leave Me Alone" you scream as water forces him into the cupboards in the kitchen, stunning him. You look up at the other boys, standing in the doorway with feared expressions on each of their faces. 

"Oh My God!" gasps Mrs Spencer, as you crane your head to find your wings fully outstretched. All you do is run. Out of the room and onto the street. Everyone you pass either screams, or runs the other direction... screaming.

Bringing yourself back to reality you find Barton sitting next to you, observing you. "How long have you been there?" you question him scardly, looking back into the ring of fire

"For a while" he speaks, "I came to find you" you look up at him, "Thankyou... for bringing me to safety, even though I didn't trust you" he finishes, you smile

"You're welcome" you speak, "Just tell me this... How much of that did you see?" you question him, gesturing to the ring of fire,

"I came in just before the lady asked you 'whats wrong'. I thought better than to disturb your memory, so..."

"So you watched" you finish for him, he nods. You feel his muscles tense as if he is about to stand up, "I'm not mad that you saw the memory" you speak causing him to relax, "I should probably talk to someone about my past anyway" you continue looking up at him,

"Riddle me this" he begins, "How many times has your powers randomly appeared?"

"That was one of many times" you speak looking away, turning the lights on in the room and making the ring of fire disappear,

"How many people screamed and ran from you when it happened?" he questions,

"More than I would like to mention" you speak still staring at the floor

"Were there people who accepted you? Ordinary people I mean?" he continues to question,

"There were some" you speak, "Like Mrs Spencer, who accepted me" you continue and look up at him, his face slightly confused, "Here I'll show you" you speak as the room is shrouded in darkness momentarily and the ring of fire illuminates the room with a gentle glow. As you stare into the fire again a memory lights up withing the circle;

You walk back to the foster home, shrouded by darkness and look at the building. The lights of the boys room turns off, and the silhouette of Mrs Spencer walks into the girls room. She tucks in the girls and the light turns off. You fly up to the window of your room, which is always left open, and climb inside. As you walk over to your bed the door opens. "Y/N?" Mrs Spencer questions, you look up at her, searching her face for fear, anger or hatred. To find nothing but concern. "I was so worried about you" she speaks walking up to you. "Are you alright?" she questions you,

"I-I have to go" you speak looking away and walk up to your pillow to retrieving the photo you always had with you. "I-I can't stay" you continue, walking towards the open window.

"Y/N, Y/N wait!" she calls running up to you and grabbing your shoulder, her hand grazing your wing, "I'm not afraid" she speaks turning you around gently, "I believe that you aren't a monster... o-or a witch for that matter. The boys... there just, afraid of what they don't understand" a pause, "You're different, amazing, kind... and oh my god your wings are cool." she finishes looking at your wings and waiting for you to respond, you look into her eyes in search of a lie, "Yes, we were all shocked when the water shoved Alexander into the cupboard and you were left standing with your wings out. But people will have to learn to accept you eventually... right?" you nod,

"You're right" you speak softly, "But they didn't accept me, they already called me a witch! What makes you think that will change by morning?" you question, taking a small step back towards the window, "I can't stay" you speak more sternly than before,

"I understand" she speaks with a small smile, "Just remember... you have a home here" she speaks, you smile and run up to give her a hug...

The memory fades out, the ring of fire still burning on the floor, you look up at Barton. "Was she the first person to accept you for who you really are?" he questions, looking up from the fire

"Yes, she was the first person who truly believed in me and wasn't afraid of what I could do... even though I was learning what I could do... I guess you could say I matured at an early age." you speak a small smile flashing across your face,

"What did you do after that?" he questions looking at the ring of fire for another memory,

"Well after that, I stayed in my home town for a little while longer, appearing in that foster home every night where I talked to Mrs Spencer" you look down into the fire, "But then, staying in my home town... so close to where I grew up, started to become too much for me... I then left and she once again said 'You have a home here' and to 'Please come back every once in a while'"

"And have you?" he questions, "Gone back every once in a while?" he continues looking at you,

"After I left my home town, I did not return to the foster home. Instead I moved on... just after I left I was beginning to hear about Mr Stark announcing he is Iron Man, Captain America waking and an Asgardian who no one knew much about, they were all emerging from New York City. So then I thought that if there were other people in this world who don't necessarily belong... then, that's where I should be." you finish looking up at him,

"You know you can trust us" he speaks, "And talk to us" he finishes standing up from the bed,

"I know... it's just finding the right moment to bring up my past" you speak as you bend the fire on the floor into a line directing to the door,

"Try and get some rest" he speaks as he opens the door

"You too" you speak as the door closes with a soft click.

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