Peggy's Funeral

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After seating yourself in the front isle, between Sam and the end of the isle where Steve was going to sit, the minister beckons everyone to stand from their seats. A choir sings melodramatic music as six men, including Steve, walk Peggy's coffin down the middle isle. Everyone in the church, dressed in black clothes, follow Peggy's coffin with their eyes as Steve stares straight ahead with a fixed, sad expression. After they place her coffin down the six men return to their saved seats and the minister beacons us all to sit. Your mind doesn't follow his words, nor does it even try to pay attention unless being told to stand.

"Are you ok?" comes a small pained voice in your head, you crane your neck slightly to see Steve staring at the ground with tears falling from his usually happy or concerned face.

"Steve, I-I..." is all you manage to say before another voice invades your mind,

"Y/N?" a faint, familiar voice calls,

"Harry?" you question inwardly smiling, "You figured out my puzzle" you speak back and hear him chuckle, however keeping your face solemn, "I need you to do something for me" you speak authoritatively and his reply shows his contempt to listen and follow instructions, like a soldier. "I need you to keep an eye on everyone we left at the compound. I don't want to know there every move, that's just creepy, but I want to know who's signing the accords." you finish as Sam nudges you, looking up at him, you elbow Steve gently in the ribs in unison as Sam points the podium and Steve follows your lines of sight to see a fellow SHIELD agent who awkwardly looks past the three of you to address the people in the church.

"Margaret Carter was known to most as a founder of SHIELD. But I just knew her as Aunt Peggy. She had a photograph in her office, Aunt Peggy standing to JFK. As a kid that was pretty cool, but it was a lot to live up to, which is why I never told anyone we were related." she speaks and eyes off Steve before continuing, "I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage in a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either, she said 'Compromise where you can, where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right, even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye and say no, you move'" after a long pause where Sharon looks around at the crowd, she thanks everyone for coming and leaves the podium, returning to her seat. The minister thanks everyone for attending and the seated crowd begins to leave, you stand slowly excusing your self from the the seated men and walk towards the minister who is creating small talk to a lady before she leaves.

"I..." you begin as the minister turns around,

"What is it my child?" he questions, and upon not getting an answer and beckons you to sit in the last isle in the church,

"I've always avoided the subject but... I just... I-I..." you stutter and look down to your fidgeting hands, "Sitting here today, has made me realise how I never said a final goodbye to my parents" you speak still staring at your hands as one nail digs into the palm of the other.

"What happened my child?" the minister questions, can he be trusted? your mind wonders, "I am sworn to secrecy" he speaks upon reading your thoughts and you look up,

"The last time I saw my parents, my father..." you begin as the words get caught in your throat, "shot himself and hung mum before my eyes... I was 10, the house went up in flames... I'm still wondering, what my parents think of me, even now... with everything I've done" the minister stares past you and thinks for a while before bringing his attention and wisdom to you,

"You may not have said what caused this outburst from your parents, but I know that if the deeds you have done have been good ones, they love and support you, even though they aren't with you right now, even though they killed themselves before your eyes, your good deeds outweigh what they did to themselves. God always sees the good in people before judging them too harshly" he finishes and you look up at him, "Everything happens for a reason, you don't choose your family. They are gods gift to you, as you are to them. If the men standing up at the front are apart of your family, then don't loose sight of that. They will love and support you through thick and thin." he finishes as Sam and Steve begin to walk towards the back doors, you stand and thank the minister for his words joining the men as they wait at the doors for you.

The trip back to the hotel rooms was silent and uneventful as the cab driver pulls up outside your fancy hotel and you return to your rooms getting comfortable in your new surroundings. You change into something comfortable and sit in the common room which joins four bedrooms. It had a mini kitchen to the side and a TV in front of you as you lay on the lounge staring at the roof. You lay motionless as the sound of bare feet walk past you and someone grabs a glass from the cupboard. You had returned from the funeral in the late afternoon and wanted to lay down and talk to someone without being disturbed. With Sam around, that wasn't going to happen.

"Hey Y/N." he calls and you hear the armchair behind you sink under weight, "What were you talking to the Father about?" he questions taking a sip from his glass,

"Just a personal query" you reply shifting on the lounge into a more comfortable position

"Y/N?!" calls Harry, "Earth to Y/N, come in Y/N" he calls again, you smile

"What's funny?" questions Sam,

"So, you wanted to know who's signed" he speaks, "Signing are Tony Stark, James Rhodes, Vision and Natasha Romanoff. Clint is retiring, Wanda and Pietro are not signing despite Mr Starks arguments. Also Wanda told me she wants to talk to you"

"Thanks Harry, the notepad I gave you before leaving hand it to Wanda, she'll figure it out" you speak, still leaving Sam hanging for an answer,

"Onto it" he speaks and his voice silences, you sit up and call Steve into the room. He sits next to you and you tell him and Sam, who was back in the kitchen for another drink, what you were told.

"We should go back, stop Tony from harassing the Maximoffs" speaks Steve whose shaking his head upon hearing the comment,

"After some rest" speaks Sam, "If Tony wants a fight, we'll need all the rest we can get" he finishes and flicks on the TV. After a while of sitting down watching the TV, you headed to bed despite both men telling you that you needed to eat. Falling asleep instantly.

Sitting up in bed, your body slick with sweat. You look around the room to see red illuminated letters of the clock which says its 4:30AM. Sighing your wings come out and you hover above the ground. Using your earth bending to open your bedroom door and a window in the lounge room, you fly out in the open and away from the hotel. Flying around for what feels like only a few minutes, you think about your dream of your parents and what the Father had said to you.

"Y/N!" calls Steve and instantly you appear at his side to stare at the TV, which reads, United Nations Complex Bombed, with the male reporter saying "A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna, more than 70 people have been injured"  the TV shows live footage of the aftermath, "at least 12 are dead including Wakanda's King T'chaka." shows a photo of the King of Wakanda, then changing to show footage of the suspect, "Officials have released the video of a suspect, who is identified as being James Buchanan Barnes, The Winter Soldier," at these words Steve tenses and looks at you, drowning out the TV,

"You know where he is," he questions you as you tap your foot on the ground, focussing on The Winter Soldier and find him in an apartment building,

"Bucharest, in an apartment" you speak coming back to the real world, "He couldn't of done it!" you speak with realisation,

"That wont matter to the cops" speaks Sam, as Steve goes into his room

"Lets go!" he calls, "Suit up." and Sam walks away from the TV and into his room, "Y/N, find him" Steve finishes appearing in the doorway to his room and throwing you a com, you catch it 

"What will you do?" you question placing the com in your ear,

"We'll be there, don't worry." he speaks and walks back into the room with a packed bag, "Think of a plan, give us a few hours then we'll be there"

"You don't know whe..." you begin as Sam comes into the room with his packed bag,

"GO!!" they both yell and you disappear from the hotel room to an alley in Bucharest, to decide what to do next.

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