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"Excuse me Sir, would you please step aside" you speak to the young looking gentleman with a brown, quite large laptop bag and black coat.

"Ahhh, sure" he replies with an accent that you cannot place, you guide him over to a small metal station and place his bag on the table.

"This is a random check," you speak and his eyes widen slightly, something to hide, you undo the zipper and open one side to the bag, seeing only neatly folded clothes. Nothing out of the ordinary. You proceed to unzip the other side of the bag to inspect it. Nothing out of the ordinary. Closing both compartments you unclip the side pocket and take out a book. A red book with a black star, which has evidence of its age. "Is it a good read?" you question him and see he is as tense as shit, he finally looks up after staring at the book for a moment realising you had spoken.

"Oh, sorry. It is a good read, yes. It was my fathers book" he speaks taking a breath, relaxing himself.

"I'm sorry" you speak and put the book back in its pocket checking the other smaller pockets only to find keys in one. "Thankyou for your co-operation" you speak handing his bag back, "Enjoy your flight" you finish with a smile, he returns with a small smile and a nod before heading off towards the lounges. You spin on your heals and approaching your superior telling her you have a quick errand to run and quickly make a dash for the staff bathrooms. Finding only one compartment closed you unlock it to find the girl you impersonated and check that she is ok. Once she is stirring you teleport out of the airport and to your hideout. When you appear Bucky looks up at you, his hands holding the book.

"You actually did it" speaks Bucky looking up from the book in hand, as you change back into yourself, "Thankyou" he speaks and looks at the book again with a small smile that disappears when you speak,

"What do you want to do?" you question, "With the book, I mean" you continue thinking about your first statement, and walk over to the bed sitting next to him,

"What can I do?" he questions, looking around and directing to the walls, "These people, they've brought nothing but pain" he directs to the people that were pinned to the wall, Bucky must of done that you think looking around,

"What will make you feel better?" you question as another voice muffles through the room,

"Bucky, how's it going, do you have the book?" comes Steve's voice through a small headset sitting behind you, you pick it up and hold it out to Bucky, he takes it from you kindly but doesn't answer,

"Can we burn it?" questions Bucky in a quiet voice, before he presses a button on the headset and replies, "Yea, she got it"

"Are you sure you want to burn this book?" you question to which he nods, you hold out both hands and a ball of flame ignites within the palms of your hands, "I can replicate objects, but all I can do if this book is ever needed is create what you see there" you speak as Bucky turns the book over to inspect it, he only nods. He holds the book above the flames with his metal hand for a moment before letting the flames engulf the book. There was a moment of freedom evident in Bucky's eyes and stature before he nods and the fire dissipates.

"We need to move onto phase 2" comes Steve's muffled voice, "Clint is on his way, Y/N I need you to meet him on the road to the compound, he should have a van of some sort. He has his own plan, once you aren't needed meet us at the airport." finishes Steve and Bucky holds the headset out for you which you take with a nod and press the button,

"Sure thing Cap" you speak and place the headset on your pillow behind you,

"I have a question for you" Bucky begins staring at the opposing wall, "Why have you helped me?" he questions and you feel taken aback, "What compels you to help others?" he continues and your eyes water, "What makes you think I can be saved?" he questions and a tear falls down your face,

"Cause I have hope. I have lost everything, there are so many people out there who are alive, because of me..." you speaks and take a moment before more words spill, "I couldn't save my family, so I save the world instead and gain a new, more understanding one in return... A family, who understands pain, who are empathetic, no matter what you do or have done. A family who care for each other... and you are questioning why I'm saving you." you speak and take a moment to calm yourself down, "Steve didn't have to ask for me to help you, when you saved his life and left us on the beach I saw something in you. I saw the kindness and the conflict that's within your heart. Bucky, you are trying to be better, and you're getting better at being good. You 'saved' my ass when I turned up at your apartment, shot and alone. You saved your best friend from drowning. How did you do either?" you question and continue before he can answer, "I save people out of the goodness of my own heart" you speak and in the distance a van pulls up on the side of the road. "I have to go. Clint's waiting" you speak, Bucky nods and you appear beside the van.

"Clint" you nod as the window winds down enough for him to hear you, "What's the plan?" you question and he smirks,

"I've heard a lot of rumors since being with my family" he begins turning the van off and getting out of the vehicle, "Is it true you were blown up, by a bomb?" he questions grabbing your shoulders and staring into your eyes,

"Yes it is" you speak and he nods, "What do you think of the accords?" you question back, he releases your shoulders and leans on the van,

"A load of crap." he speaks flatly and he looks towards the compound, "Although, we do need to be held accountable for our actions" he continues, "But the Accords is not the way to do it" he finishes and you smile, "Do you have any idea what are going to do?" he questions looking back at you,

"I was told you had the plan!" you exclaim looking at him, and he shushes you, "What!" you whisper yell at him,

"There's a guy in the van" he calls back and you tap your foot and feel a steady heartbeat of a man whose asleep in the backseat of the van.

"He's still asleep, its fine" you speak and look at him, "I can get Wanda and Pietro here if you want me to" you speak and in which Clint nods in reply,

"I'll turn the van around" he speaks jumping back into the drivers seat and turning the keys in the ignition as you disappear and invisibly walk around the compound's kitchen. Wanda's laugh sounds from the living room and you walk in to find her and Pietro playing video games.

"Hey, guys." you speak to their minds, "Cap needs our help. We need to go." you finish and they both put down their consoles, Pietro turning off the TV. The siblings stand and are suddenly outside the compound near a van, Clint waving them over. "Bucky, close your eyes" you speak to him and teleport him to your side,

"Warn me next time, would you" he groans as you both jog over to the van, Bucky getting into the passengers seat while you bunk with the siblings, shutting both doors in unison.

"Everyone buckled in?" Clint questions from the drivers seat as he shifts the gears into first, a chorus of yeses fill the van, "Next stop, the jet" he speaks as the van takes off. The sleeping man in the back seat stirs but doesn't wake from his slumber as you halt at traffic lights, conjuring up conversations with Wanda.


I've always wondered how Clint and the gang got to the airport from NYC. Whelp, the next chapter will explain what I think happened.

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