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This dude is real life dumb as hell bro. This made me really upset because I've been going through suicide attempts for a while now. And what he did was so ignorant and unacceptable. This nigga knew that the forest was called Suicide Forest and filmed a man that went through a rough time in life, who had killed himself.

It's like you have no respect what so ever. You only doing shit like this for fucking views. VIEWS MY NIGGA...FUCKING VIEWS!?

That man took his life and you filmed like it was "interesting". Like.......who raised you? This man probably had a family back home and have to see that their family member has committed suicide and someone did nothing but film it but didn't call for an ambulance. Like wtf?

It's a new year, and people want to already fuck up. I know I did things in the past that I'm not proud of either. But to film someone's death is low.

I've been going through depression for months and to see this makes me sick.

Imagined if I or you had killed yourself and was filmed instead of calling for help.

Not judging but I'm expressing my anger here. I've no right to judge neither does anyone else does. But please speak up. It's the right thing to do. STAY WOKE.

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