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Space was all that was between the married couple on the sofa.

"I love her Dr. Rowe. I don't want our marriage to go to waste because of some decision I made."

Y/N shook her head in mortification.

"You're shaking head Mrs. Dolan; why so?" Dr. Rowe wrote against his pad.

"He used to love me." Silence fell upon the two but Ethan looked at his wife in sadness.

"I still love her no matter what Dr. Rowe." She scoffs. "I'm trying to make things work." His voice cracks and aches.

"I've always loved you, I still do. What I did was unforgettable."

"And unforgivable." She says roughly.

"What happened between you two that led you here at this kind of state in your marriage?"

It was as if they were reliving it all over again.

"I-I can't do this." Y/N gets up and leaves out for a moment, trying to contain the pain.


"Baby! I-I" he stutters, flustered and terrified.

The girl she payed to babysit their 2 kids, sat in terror as she stared back at her boss.

"I-I can e-explain. Just hear me-" Y/N cuts him off with a raised hand. "Lena, get. your. shit. and. leave. Now!" The angry woman that witnessed such a tragedy felt weak to her stomach.

She wasted no time in putting on her clothes and fleeing the scene.

Y/N stood in the same spot she stood and haven't said anything yet.

"Y/N-" "Don't say a fucking thing to me!" He had the nerve to have tears right now.

"17! 17! 17! Seven fucking teen Ethan!" She ran towards him and threw a fistful punch to his nose.

He tried blocking every hit his way; the blood dripping from his nose, and the open cut appears on his cheek.

"Our babysitter! I let that bitch in here and you both do this to me!" "She's a kid! A goddamn child!"

She yelled in his face. "Get out! Get the fuck out of my house! Get out! Get! Out!" She had so much strength to toss him on the floor and kick him endlessly.

He gets up once she's broken down on the floor, loudly sobbing and screaming.

He's scared to say one more thing and leaves with a few overnight bags.

While his wife sat in shambles in the middle of their bedroom floor.
Y/N sat in back on the sofa, sobbing as she retells her trauma.

Ethan shakes his head in disbelief of his wrong.

"Do the children know about this? How are they coping with this?" Dr. Rowe crosses his leg.

"They don't even know that we've been separated for 2 years. Ethan comes over every morning like as if he lives there to keep them happy and suspicion clear." Y/N sniffs, wiping her cheek.

"He leaves at night when the children go to sleep."

"We tried to work it out before we chose therapy. It obviously didn't go right." She chuckles bitterly, shaking her head.

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