《Sweet Angel》G.D.

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I engulfed myself with my arms around my wide chest that also tried keeping me warm in the cold dark evening at times.

I sped walked like this often at times whenever I was unlucky to get a ride home. And one of those days were today, of course. I would stay after school, do some painting pieces to build my college portfolio.

Art was a huge thing here in New York; pretty much, leading me to pursue my career in art as if I didn't have any other options. It just so happened to fall in my lap and I enjoyed.

Every so often, the rustling wind would huff against my skin, blowing my curly puff in the wind, ears becoming cold and numb. I should've brought some ear mugs.

I wasn't gonna lie, I get kinda scared everytime I walk home; imagine walking at night alone: dark, quiet, and someone yet to try to grab you.

But you get used to it. Sad part is, I not even closer to home yet.

I soon hear a crowd of steps, making it's way behind me. I'm cautious; looking around for who the steps belong to. No sight.

They get louder as I keep my pace up, trying to avoid my the noises and footsteps. Just keep walking, don't look back.

"Hey!" I hear someone I assume from the crowd shout at me. I look back and see these grown men that are dressed in suits. They didn't look like any ordinary business men, more like they did some business. That kind of business.

I let my feet think before anything, running for my dear life. Before I could get away fast enough, I felt a strong grip on me; I was yanked towards a strong and built form.

"Please..let me go!" I whine as the mysterious man's hold gets tighter. "Why you wanna run away huh? You look mighty fine to be walking by yourself; Why don't I take ya home with me eh?" He had this Italian accent.

He brought his hand around my necks and began to grope my breast in one hand. "No. No!" I started crying for mercy; ask God to not let this happen.

The group of men are enjoying themselves, watching me cry and scream as they all soon began to touch me.

"Hey!" An even deeper voice shouts. The laughter stops and attention is brought upon a man that was wearing a similar suit. Without the blazer, tattoos appearing on his veined arms and hands, and slight chest hair peeking between his buttons.

"Enough fun boys." He comes through the crowd that surrounds my panicking statue. "What do you want from me?!" I cry out with my hair all over my face and shirt ripped; exposed breast in a bra.

He laughs, teeth pearly white. I make the biggest mistake ever by trying to push through the group of men, hoping to escape.

To my worst luck, the man, I guess is the leader, grabs me by my hair. I scream in agony as he pulls harder of what felt like my scalp was going to get snatched. (Lmao)

"No. No. No!" He teases while chuckling. "I know what you need. Fellas? You know what?" He raises a brow.

"Yeah boss?" The previous guy says. "I got it from here, she needs to learn a lesson. Yeah?" They nod in unison with their sinister smirks.

"Come on angel face." He kept a hold on my hair, walking to a deep dark alley. "Please...I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone." I cry out.

"I promise. Just-just pl-lease-" he bangs my head on something what felt harder than a brick or any hard surface, knocking me out.....


Sneak peek of upcoming story.

Thank you to PrincessDolan_1 for her beautiful idea💖💖  go follow her please and read her story.

I will finish the second part later tonight and publish sometime tomorrow hopefully because of work🙄🙄

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