Chapter 1

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Rosaleen's POV
I just parked my car in front of my brothers house. I stared at it and slowly got out of the car. I walked to the door and knocked. I waited for a couple of minutes before knocking again. It finally opened and I saw a man with black hair and icy blue eyes. I'm guessing that's Damon. He is confused but reality hits him fast and hard.
"Rosaleen?" He asks.
"Damon," I whispered.
"Oh my god," He said and I was in his arms.
I was crying and holding onto him for dear life. Wetness hit my shoulder and I held him tighter.
"I-I th-thought you were-were de-dead," Damon cried.
"That's because father killed me," I said.
"He did?" Damon asked me.
"Yeah Day," I say. "Where's Stefan?" I ask.
"School," He said and I giggled.
"Really?" I question.
"Yea oh come in Ro," He said stepping out of my way.
I smiled and walked in.
"Damon I wanna go to school," I whine.
"But you're 186 years old," He says getting a drink.
"So I've never been on a school campus," I say sadly.
"Then let's get you signed up for high school," Damon said.
"Yay and I want to be in the same year as Stefan," I say.
"Okay," He says and hand me a drink.
"So tell me what have I missed?" I asked.
"Well Stefan has a girlfriend named Elena and I have a play toy named Andy Star. There was an original named Elijah Mikaelson but he's daggered in the basement. The 60's dance is this Friday," He says.
"That's all?" I ask.
"Oh and there's this guy named Klaus trying to kill Elena," He says simply.
"Okay then," I say happily.
The door opened and in walked a boy with brown hair and green eyes. He stopped when he saw me and was extremely confused.
"Who's this?" He asks.
I'm guessing that's little Stefan.
"Damn Damon he looks like so grown up now," I say.
"Stefan this is Rosaleen Salvatore our older sister, not that you would remember," Damon said.
"Hi Stefan," I say.
"I remember you," He says with tears in his eyes.
"As I you," I say.
I run up to him and hug him.
"Oh baby brother how I have missed you," I say holding him.
"Sister," He says holding onto my waist tightly.
"Ummm Stefan?" We all hear a girly voice say.
I pull away from Stefan to see a group of people. One boy, a man, and three teenage girls. One of the girls with brown hair and eyes looks hurt when she saw us.
"Hey guys," Damon said coming to stand by us.
He slings his arm around my shoulders. I look up to him and smile. I'm a good 3 inches shorter than him.
"Who the hell is she?" A blonde asks.
I look at her and she grabs her head in pain. I smirk when they all look at me, including my brothers.
"What are you doing to her?" A girl who is a witch says.
"What do you think?" I ask.
"Make it stop please," The blonde begs.
"Sis," Stefan says.
I look at him and the pain goes away. The blonde looks at me in fear.
"I'm Rosaleen Salvatore. Their older sister but I'm also a vampire, werewolf, and a witch put together," I say.
"You're the Tribrid," The witch whispers.
"So you've heard of me, good," I say and sit on the couch.
"You're royalty in the witch world," She says coming to sit by me. "I'm Bonnie Bennett."
"Hi Bonnie," I say kindly.
"I'm Caroline Forbes and I'm sorry for saying that to you," The blonde says.
"It's fine," I say.
"I'm Alaric Saltzman but call me Ric," The man says.
"I'm Jeremy Gilbert," The boy says.
"I'm Elena Gilbert," The brown haired and eyed girl said.
"Nice to meet ya," I say eyeing the girl.
"Guys she's a sweetheart once you get to know her," Damon says.
"Is that true Stefan?" Elena asks.
"I wouldn't know. She was killed when I was a little kid," Stefan says looking at me.
I sadly look down to my lap. Bonnie takes my hand and smiles sadly.
"I like you," I say to her.
"I like you too," She says.
"Well I'm tired," I say.
"I'll get your bags from your car," Stefan says.
"I'll show you your room," Damon says as I throw my keys to Stefan.
"Okay," I say and we walk upstairs and to a room.
Damon opens a door and turns on the light. The room was huge but most definitely my style. The bathroom took my breath away.

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I turned to Damon and smiled

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I turned to Damon and smiled.
"It's perfect," I say.
"Great good night sister," He says hugging me.
"Goodnight little brother," I say.
He walks out and Stefan walks in. He sets my bags down and walks to me. He hugs me tightly.
"Goodnight," He whispers.
"Goodnight," I say. "Oh and I'm going to high school with you on Friday."
"Really that's great," Stefan says walking out of my room.
I smile and quickly unpack my stuff. I changed and went to bed.
-Time Skip-
I woke up to someone jumping on my bed. I opened my eyes and saw Damon laying beside me with Stefan standing beside the bed. They laugh at me and I groan.
"Come on, time for school," Damon says.
"Fine," I say and slowly get out of bed.
They leave and I take a quick shower. I get out blow by my hair and style it. I do my makeup then get dressed.

I grab my bag and go downstairs to find Damon and Stefan waiting

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I grab my bag and go downstairs to find Damon and Stefan waiting.
I stop in first of them and smile.
"Ready," I ask.
"Yup," Stefan says.
"Bye Damon, love ya," I say before walking out the door.
"Bye Rosaleen," He calls to me. 


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