Chapter 2

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Rosaleen's POV
Stefan and I arrived at school and I got stared at by everyone. The guys whistle at me but when Stefan glares at them they stop. We reach the office and compel everything I need. We walk to our first class, we have all classes together, and it's history. Stefan and I sit beside each other in the middle. Elena comes in and smiles at us. She sits beside Stefan and then Bonnie comes in and sits beside Elena. She sees me and grins. I wink and she laughs. Elena holds up a sign and it's for the 60's dance tonight. I smile and nod but Stefan shakes his head. I roll my eyes at him. She smiles at me and turns to Bonnie. She looks at me and I nod. She nods to Elena and we smile on victory. Class starts but Ric isn't here yet. He comes in a little bit after that.
"Alright class what are we learning about today?" He asks.
A girl in the front says, "Since the decades dance is tonight, we've been learning about the 60's all week."
"Suck up," I cough and everyone laughs.
Ric looks at me and his eyes widen. I hear his heart speed up.
"And who might you be?" He asks.
I frown and look at Stefan then back to Ric and said, "I'm Rosaleen Mae Salvatore. I'm the new girl."
"Well Miss. Salvatore be polite," He says in a fatherly way.
I scoff at him and roll my eyes.
"The 60's, I wish there was something good about them actually they sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course, they made it bearable. Uh what else? Oh there was the Cuban missile thing, we walked on the moon. There was the Watergate-," Elena interrupted him.
"The Watergate was in the 70's, Ric," She said but quickly changed Ric to, "I mean Mr. Saltzman."
"Right it all kinda meshes together, the 60's, 70's. Thank you, Elena," He said.
I smirked at him and he saw it. He had a twinkle in his eye. Stefan saw and glared at him. Stefan moved his desk closer to mine. Ric saw this and frowned.
"Miss. Salvatore stay after class please. I need to speak with you," Ric said.
"Eye eye captain," I saluted.
Stefan chuckles and shakes his head. Ric doesn't look amused.
"Sorry," I say.
Class ended and I walked up to Ric's desk. I say on his desk until everyone was out of the room. Ric closed the door and turned to me. He looked disappointed.
"What was that with the eye eye captain thing?" He asked me.
"I was having fun," I say.
"Well it's disrespectful and rude," He says.
"I get to be disrespectful and rude after what I have been through," I say.
"And why's that, Rosaleen?" He asks.
I take a deep breath and look down, "I've been abused my whole human life. When I turned 17 I stopped aging completely," I looked at him and lowered my voice. "My step father noticed and thought I was a vampire then he killed me. My brothers don't know I'm adapted so and I would like to keep it that way, please. So yeah I was killed at the age of 17 by my father. So I get to act like this. So if you'll excuse me Ric, I'm leaving," I say and walk out of his classroom.
I walk to the cafeteria and spot Stefan. I walk to him and sit down beside him.
"Hey Rosaleen," He said.
"Hi," I whispered.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing," I say.
"Rosy," He says.
"It's nothing Stef," I say.   

Niklaus's POV
My daughter was killed at the age of 17 and was abused all her life. That's not how she was supposed to live. She was supposed to live a very long life but instead she was killed. I should have never given her away, ever.

Rosaleen's POV
The day went by in a blur. Stefan and I went home and not even 10 minutes later the gang (Caroline is at her house getting ready) showed up besides Alaric.
"Klaus made his first move," Elena said.
"He compelled someone at school," Bonnie said.
"Damn it," Damon muttered.
"Damon Alexander Salvatore do not mutter," I said in a demanding tone.
"Yes ma'am," He said clearly.
"Thank you," I say.
There was knock on the door then Alaric walked in.
"Sorry I'm late," He said and when he saw me he had a sad expression.
I glared at him and when Damon said, "Ric I need you to put me as a chaperone for tonight. Klaus made his first move."
"He compelled someone at school," Stefan said to him.
"Okay," He said.
"So what's our plan on attack?" Elena asked.
"Me," Bonnie said.
Alaric scoffed, "That's not gonna be the easiest thing. I mean he is the biggest and baddest vampire."
"Ric's right I mean what if he....." Damon begins and I sped to Bonnie.
She throws me across the room and into the book shelf. I groan and Alaric rushed to me.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"I can it, Ric," I say and give him a look.
He helps me up carefully. He held my arms so I was steady.
"Well I'm impressed," Damon said.
I glare at him then when he turned around I tackled him to the ground. I turn him over and punch him in the face. I stand up and noticed everyone laughing.
Damon popped his jaw back into place.
"It doesn't matter if he's an Original Elena I can take him," Bonnie said and I saw that Ric had a worried face.
"So girls who needs an outfit for tonight?" I ask.
"I do," Elena and Bonnie both say.
"Come on," I say.
Elena ended up picking my really cute black dress and Bonnie picked a flowered one.


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(Bonnie) While I picked out my favorite outfit from that decade

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While I picked out my favorite outfit from that decade. We did our hair and makeup then got dressed.

(Rosaleen) Elena and Bonnie gasped seeing me

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Elena and Bonnie gasped seeing me.
"You look hot!!!" They squealed.
"Thanks girls and so do both of you. Now let's go we got a dance to get to," I said and we walked out of my room.

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