Chapter 3

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Rosaleen's POV
We arrived at the school and they went to their boyfriends while I went to Damon.
"I don't like your outfit," Damon said.
"So?" I said.
"So go change," He said.
"Damon I'm the oldest don't tell me what to do. Now come," I said walking inside.
Damon chased after me. Once Elena walked inside the girl from class this morning walked on stage.
"How are we doing?!?! We have a special shout out tonight for Elena from Klaus," She said.
We all tensed and Elena looked around.
"I know everyone here," She said.
"That was a cheap shout. It's a party people. Blend let him come to us," Damon said.
"Dance with me," Bonnie said dragging Jeremy to the dance floor.
"Noo," He whined but danced anyway.
Elena and Stefan went to the dance floor.
"There's Ric let's go say hi," Damon said.
We walked to Ric and Ric frowned.
"Special dedication, this guy is all twisted," Ric said.
"I'm not impressed," I said.
"Neither am I," Damon said.
"No," Ric said surprised.
"Let me know if you notice anything out of wack," Damon said and walked off.
Ric looked at me and his frown deepened.
"What?" I ask.
"Why don't you have more clothing on!?!?!" He asked.
"Please I wore less than this in the 60's," I said.
"I did not need to know that Rosaleen," He said.
I laughed and walked off. Ric ran after me and put a jacket around me. I have him a dirty look and shrugged it off. He sighed and shook his head.
"Ric stopping acting like an overprotective parent. My real and adoptive parents are dead," I growled.
"What your real parents are still alive?" He asks.
"I would never forgive them for leaving me but I would also thank then for letting me go to the Salvatore's," I said and walked away.
I went to the girls and we laughed, talked and had a good time. Ric came running up to us.
"Elena he has Jeremy. Klaus has Jeremy," Ric said out of breath.
"What!?!?" All three of us said.
We took off running and followed Ric through the halls.
"Where are we going, Ric?!?!" Elena asked.
"Just a little further," He mumbled.
We all looked at each other confused. We slowly come to a stop.
"Ric where's Jeremy?" Elena asked.
"I'm sorry I just had to get away from that dance. Ugh the 60's, not my decade. I much prefer the 20's. The parties, the style, the jazz," He says.
"Ric are you on vervain?" Elena asked.
"Now why would you ask me a question like that, Elena?" He asked.
"He's being compelled," Bonnie says.
"Wrong!!!" Ric says. "Alright I'm gonna give you a hint. I am not Alaric," He said.
Then it hit me, "Klaus."
"Ding ding ding!!!! We have a winner," Klaus/Alaric said looking at me with something in his eyes.
I push Bonnie and Elena behind me instantly.
"What are you doin here?" I growled.
"Oh don't worry Elena I'm not here for you. You're not on my hit.....tonight. Rosaleen my sweet darling baby girl it's great to meet you. You're so beautiful. But you are," He said looking at Bonnie.
"What the bloody hell?!?!" I yelled.
"Oh right Rosaleen I'm your father," He said.
"WHAT!?!?!?!" We all screamed.
"That's right you're the daughter of the Niklaus Mikaelson and your mother....I'm sorry honey but she's dead," He said.
"YOU'RE LYING!!!!!" I screamed.
"No I'm not. I would never lure to you ever," He said.
"Elena, Bonnie run. NOW!!!" I screamed when they didn't run.
They took off running and Klaus/Alaric tried to follow them but I threw him against the wall.
"Are you really going to try to kill your father and favorite history teacher?" He asked looking at me hurt.
"YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER!!!!!" I screamed.
"Yes I am," He said coming up to me.
He put his hands on my cheeks.
"You grew up to be a gorgeous woman. I'm sorry I gave you away. I didn't want to but I had to, to protect you from your grandfather Mikael. He has been hunting our family down for the last thousand years Sweetheart," He said wiping away a tear that I didn't notice fall down my cheek.
"How do I know you're not lying?" I asked in a whisper.
"Go to Alaric's apartment. I will meet you there," He said.
I nodded and he kissed my forehead before I sped away. I got to Ric's apartment and walked in. I found a girl that looked like Elena sitting on the couch.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"I'm Rosaleen, who the bloody hell are you?" I asked rudely.
"I'm Katherine Pierce," She said over confidently.
"So you're the girl that got my adoptive brothers killed," I said with acid in my voice.
"And your adoptive brothers are?" She asked.
"Damon and Stefan Salvatore," I said.
"Oh really," She said.
"Yup," I said popping the 'p'.
The door opened and Klaus/Alaric came in. He saw me and a smile was instantly on his face. He glared at Katherine.
"Katerina I would like you to meet my daughter Rosaleen Mikaelson," Klaus/Alaric said.
"WHAT?!?!?" she yelled.
"I still don't believe I'm your daughter, Klaus," I said.
He looks sad and says, "Katerina leave us."
She quickly leaves and he comes up to me. He holds his hand out.
"Take my hand," He says quietly.
"Why?" I ask.
"I'm gonna show you when I gave you up," He says quietly and sadly.
I nod and slowly take his hand. He kisses my head and closes his eyes. I then see a flash of white and I black out.

Salvatore but also a Mikaelson? (Niklaus's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now