Scene 6: Spafford cottage (living room)

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(1873 Chicago) 

ANNA: (31 years old, sits down on the chair in the living room while she listens to two year old Tanetta singing the alphabet) Good work Tanetta! (hugs her child tightly) Wait and see how happy your father will be when he sees how smart you are becoming. (Annie, Maggie Lee, and Bessie enter the living room)

BESSIE: (5 years old, in tears) Mother, Verna is gone! 

ANNA: Gone? 

ANNIE: (11 years old, looks at Anna) The three of us have searched everywhere. The doll is nowhere to be found. I believe you and Father might need to buy Bessie another doll.

BESSIE: (looks upset at Annie) NO! 

ANNA: Bessie, now you know better not to raise your voice at any of your sisters in such a manner. 

MAGGIE LEE: (8 years old) Do you want us to keep searching, Mother? 

ANNA: For your sister's sake, do your best to search again. (looks at Bessie) I truly am sorry Verna is nowhere to be found. Now if you and your sisters cannot find her, you must be contempt and allow your father and I to give you another doll whenever we are able to. 

BESSIE: (wipes away her tears) Yes, Mother. (Horatio walks in) 

ALL THE GIRLS: FATHER! (Tanetta rushes towards Horatio, then he picks her up) 

TANETTA: I said my alphabet, Father. 

HORATIO: (45 years old) That makes me very happy precious, Tanetta. You are growing up to be an intelligent, big girl! 

BESSIE: Father, I cannot find Verna.

MAGGIE LEE: Mother said we will look again, Bessie! 

HORATIO: Don't fret children, but before you go on your search party. I have some exciting news which will lighten the mood. 

ANNIE: What news do you have for us, Father?

ANNA: Yes, Horatio. I would love to hear some good news. Before you share this news, how is the construction in the city progressing? 

HORATIO: Unfortunately, Chicago still has a long way to go in order to be how it was before the deadly fire ever occurred. Yet, my dear family, I do have news which shall bring great joy. These past couple of years, it is no secret that this family has endured troubling times. With the passing of precious Little Horatio, the fire, my dear friend, DL Moody, is still holding revival meetings in England. I believe his messages will be a blessing to all of us. 

ANNIE: (with a bright smile on her face) Are you saying that we are going to England, Father? (Anna, Maggie Lee, and Bessie are excited. Since Tanetta sees her family smiling, she smiles too) 

HORATIO: (smiles) Yes, I am. (Horatio puts Tanetta on the ground. Annie, Maggie Lee, Bessie, and Tanetta circle around each other and explain how excited they are)

ANNA: (gets off the chair, then walks towards her husband) I love you Horatio Spafford. Now are you sure you are ready and willing to embark on such a great trip?

HORATIO: Yes, I am. Though it has been a difficult past two years, God has shown Himself faithful. God is using Evangelist Moody in a mighty way. This family needs to hear what God has for us to hear. 

ANNA: Yes, I agree. Horatio, I apologize if I have been discouraged these past couple of years. Everyday is still difficult with Little Horatio no longer here and our financial setbacks...

HORATIO: Anna, I have been discouraged as well. God has placed me as the head of the family, I need to stay strong for you and the girls. 

ANNA: I feel as if I have allowed you to take that burden alone.

HORATIO: (smiles) My precious, Anna. I have not. God has been with me. He is the one I depend on for my strength. 

ANNA: You are absolutely right. (smiles) The Lord has given us this amazing chance. Traveling, hearing excellent messages from an excellent preacher. (takes a deep breath) This family can use an uplifting push. 

HORATIO: I am grateful that hear that you agree. (smiles, then hugs his wife) 

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