Scene 9: Ville du Havre

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days later 

ANNA: (Sleeping in the same room as her daughters, but is woken up by loud sounds. Once she opens her eyes, she sees leaks on the floor) No... God, please do not let this be happening... (looks at her daughters, Annie is woken up by the noise) Annie! Wake your sisters! (Annie shakes Maggie Lee who is next to her, then gets off her bed to shake Bessie to wake up. Anna grabs Tanetta from her bed) Girls, follow me quickly! (All of them rush towards the deck. As they all make it to the deck, all of the passengers are in panic)

ANNIE: (looks worried at Anna) Mother! 

MAGGIE LEE: (screaming and in tears) I WANT FATHER! (Anna holds onto all of her daughters)

ANNA: I know precious, Maggie Lee. I want him too. Nonetheless, God is with us. 

ANNIE: (looks at Maggie Lee who is still screaming) Did you hear what Mother said, Maggie Lee? God is still with us. God will take care of us. Don't be afraid. The sea is His and He made it. 

ANNA: Listen to your sister. All of you. Let us pray. (they all close their eyes and bow their heads despite the chaos around them) Dear Heavenly Father, please spare me and my children. (in tears) If it is your will, please spare us all. Please give us all the strength to endure what awaits us. In Jesus' name, Amen. (Moments later, Anna and her daughters see the water rise on the boat which causes Maggie Lee to scream again. The boat moves harder, then it quickly begins to sink. As the ship begins to sink, the waves are too strong for Anna. The waves cause her to lose grip of all of her daughters who are screaming as the waves separate them from their mother) AAAGGGHHHH! ANNIE! MAGGIE LEE! BESSIE! TANETTA! LORD PLEASE! PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE HELP MY CHILDREN! (the strong waves causes the ship to sink) 

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