Chapter 3 Escape

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   I was awakened by the door slamming shut. I flinch at the sound. I opened my eyes quickly wondering why they slammed the door. It hurt to move my arms because of all the cuts. I came face to face with Jan and a different scientist.

" Amber we are going to take you to a chamber. Your going to be staying here for a while. There are two things that are going to happen. One we wait for a reply from your dad or two we brain wash you into talking your dad into giving us the information." Jan says.

" W-why do you want information from my dad so badly?!? " I asked confused and worried.

" That's classified information girly." Says the other scientist.

   I bit my tongue to keep from saying anything more. I watched as they start to untie me .

'nows my chance' I thought. As soon as he unties my feet I kicked him away and I got up and I shove Jan to the ground and I opened the door quickly and I ran into a strong chest I fell to the ground from the motion. I looked up at the guy and it was the winter soldat well that's what they called him. I started to scoot away in fear. I looked into his eyes as he watched me. Jan got up and walked over.

" Grab her" Jan says. I get up quickly as the 'winter soldat ' walked towards me.
     I ran behind the metal table and I roll it at him and he just hit it away with his metal arm. I looked around trying to find a way out and I had an idea. I walked to the opposite wall off the door. As soon as he got close to me I booked it to the door. I ducked under his arms as he tries to grab me. I ran out of the door. I shut the door and locking it quickly to give me an advantage. I hear a smash as the door falls to the ground. I ran down hallway after hallway. I glanced back and he wasn't behind me. As soon as I looked ahead. I was grabbed from the front. I kneed him and I ducked down. I went to punch him but he blocked it.
      We continue to fight hand to hand combat for a while. I kicked him in the knees and he fell down because I had caught him off guard. I ran past him but he grabbed my ankle and I fell hard. I landed on my chin again. I winced my arms were killing me but now my teeth hurt. I rolled and lost his grip and I crawled then got up but to my surprise he had gotten up. I ran but he chased me. Sadly he was faster then me and he grabbed me.
     I struggled against him but he held me tight. I yelled at the stinging in my arms. I watched as Jan came from a halfway. He had a syringe with a blueish fluid in it. My eyes widened as the 'winter soldat' used his metal arm to hold me and his other hand to tilt my head. I closed my eyes and I fight. I felt a prick on the side of my neck. I whimpered. Slowly black clouds take over my vision and I fell into an unconscious state.
   When I wake up im in a concrete roof with one bed and a table. There was only one door and no windows. I glanced around and there were was a change of clothes on the bed for me. I figured they had cameras watching me. I backed up till I hit the wall and I followed it to a corner. I was starving but I didn't care. I started crying and I sat down and I curled up on the corner. I barried my face in my knees. Everything I tried was in vain nothing worked.
   After a while the door open and I glanced up. It was a woman she had a tray of food. She put the tray on my bed and she walked over to me.

" Hey Amber I brought you food and something to drink is there anything else I can get for you." She says gently. I knew she was just trying to get me to trust her.

" M-maybe something to change behind of " I say quietly and I looked into her eyes. She nods and gets up and walks out shutting the door. I figured they had cameras on me so I needed some privacy. She comes back in with one of those those dividers and she puts it near a corner and unfolds it. She walks back over to me and crouches down next to me.

" I'll be back later with more food. Anything you want before I walk out." She asked me.

I thought for a while and I nod.

" What is soldat in English and what time is it?" I asked her

" It's 1:38 and its soldier." She says standing up and she walks out. I hear a click and I hesitantly stand up and I grabbed the clothes and the boots. I walked behind the divider and I hesitate but I changed out of my pajamas that I was still in into a black t-shirt with camo pants and black boots.

  I walk out from behind the divider

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  I walk out from behind the divider. I looked around the room and I found someone strings from my bed and I double braided my hair I tied both braids with the strings since I knew I was going to be here for a while. I sit on my bed and I glanced around and I pick up the tray of food I glanced at it figuring that they probably drugged it. But I didn't care and I eat it. When I was finished I lay the tray on the ground and I layed down on the bed.
   I felt really bad for being born. I felt bad for my dad because of all the stress he has to go through now. thanks to me. I layed on my back and I stared at the celing for a long time tears running down the sides of my face. I closed my eyes and it took me a long time but I finally fell asleep because I would have to get comfortable.
   But I would try and find a way out no matter how long it took.


Hia guys hope your enjoying the book. I promise there will be more action also if your wondering why there are no avengers well this is my own version. They never found Cap in the ice. Tony ( I'm sorry Tony) died from blood after he fought ( I can't remember his name forgive me) the bad guy. Bruce is locked up. And Hawkeye is living a "normal" life with his family. And Natasha is working for S.H.I.E.L.D. I know that was long but that's my version of this story. So everything in the future for the avengers never happens ( that's good for infinity war that I'm still getting over ). I know it's very confusing but that's what has happened in my vision of this story.

Love you guys--J

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