Article 4

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Who Are the Monarch Four?

America's miracle children revealed and how you can find out more

Olly Smith                April 20, 2016

For those who viewed the funeral of Dr. Avari Mifflin live, you probably were excited to be making history. I had the pleasure of attending the funeral with a front row seat to the spectacle the speeches of the children made. I must confess, however, I left early, but more on that later.

Here are the names of the children and their speeches, summarized:

Ally, the first to speak, cried through her speech, Florian Dais consoling her as she recalled her gratefulness to the late doctor for her existence. She was clearly very sweet in nature and quite sensitive to being in the spotlight as she stuttered through her short speech.

Kenny, the second to speak, charmed the crowd with his energising charisma and told of the times Mifflin had given him girl advice and brought laughter to an otherwise sad crowd. He seemed to be the most rambunctious of the group and was clearly an attention seeker, in contrast to the speaker after him.

Next was Amber, who spoke with mature language about her admiration for Dr. Avari Mifflin and his works, as well as recognising he was human and made mistakes, even hinting toward the Monarch Experiment and her own birth. Many were intrigued to discover this instagram model was the result of genetic engineering, and there have been mixed reactions on social media.

The final to speak, left the crowd shocked, and not just by his distinguished good looks. Ryan, the last of the four, was cut short of his speech by Dais after declaring the Monarch Experiment "a gross neglect of basic human rights and American values" and spitting on the casket of the Dr. Avari Mifflin, making clear his take on the project.

He was, in fact, the real reason I left early. If you've been following the story, you'd know Ryan went missing shortly after the funeral ended. Well, I must tell you, he reached out to me and I will be meeting him. Where, I cannot say, but by the time this has been published I will be interviewing him and publishing it by podcast at, so check it out for Ryan's story as well as the confidential records Florian Dais doesn't want you to see. I invite those who want the truth to join us.

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