Chaos Part 2

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"No, no. It's my mom. Really." I shouted through the door.

He wasn't going to stop kicking the door in, so I thought fast. I hung up on 911 and deleted the call from my call history. Then, I called my mom so he could see I was just on the phone with her. The police were on their way. I unlocked the door and began to cry. He barged in asking what was wrong.

"Okay, so maybe my mom wasn't asking about bread. I told her about my breakup." I lied, making that up on the spot.

Ronnie wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek while he said, "It's okay. You don't need him anymore. You have me. I love you, Jada, darlin'. You're my everything, now and forever."

I faked a smile. I heard my baby's cries from my parents room and headed towards my bedroom door. Ronnie jumped in front of the door and locked it.

"You aren't going anywhere. You're finally my girl and you aren't leaving this room until we are married!" he exclaimed.

I heard the police sirens and felt relieved, but then Ronnie pulled a knife out, held it to my neck and told me not to move. He was taking me hostage and he was totally insane. He was serious and he would hurt me if he had to.

"Please...please don't." I begged while I sobbed. "If you do this, you'll go to jail. Ronnie, you need help. You need to see a doctor to help you mentally."

"Shut up!" He screamed. The cops knocked on my bedroom door and Ronnie said, "Get out of here or I'll kill her."

I didn't stop talking, "Let them in. They can help—"

He jammed the tip of the knife into my side. It hurt, but I could handle it. It was just a warning stab. I shut my mouth and thought of a way to get out.

"Hear me out, my love." I began to say, hoping to get his attention because reasoning with him didn't work. I whispered, "If you let go of me and let the cops come in here, I'll tell them this was all a misunderstanding. I'll tell them that you are my fiancé. They'll have to take you to the station for questioning, but I will bail you out and then we can get married."

My heart was racing, he could've killed me at any moment during the unveiling of my plan. I felt him release me and I felt more relieved than ever before. Then, we both walked out my front door with our hands up. They took him away and I lifted my shirt to look at the small stab wound on my side. It was bigger than I thought and hurt more too. I must've had so much adrenaline pumping through my body that I barely felt it. There was quite a bit of blood on my shirt. I felt myself fade and next thing I know, I was falling, but someone caught me.

When I woke up, Ryder was holding my hand and I was in the back of an ambulance. I guess I needed stitches.

The past two days have been insane. First Ryder's exes show up trying to get him to sleep with them, then I'm in the hospital getting surgery and getting a cast on my hand. Then Ryder dumped me, told me he was being blackmailed, and then I get kidnapped by a crazy guy from high school. Then I was back at the hospital for the second day in a row.

They stitched me up and the cops asked me a few questions about what happened. I told them he needed to be put in a psych ward and he needed mental help. I felt bad for lying to Ronnie because he was truly messed up, but I didn't have another choice.

The cops left when they had the information they needed. It was just Ryder and I in the cold hospital room.

"This has been a crazy couple of days. We should not have told anyone we were coming back home." I laughed.

"You're right, Doll. Let's just spend the rest of today and tomorrow morning with our families. Then we'll be off to D.C."

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