Wedding Day (part 1)

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I woke up this morning to the sunrise. It's my wedding day! In a week I had organized everything and set up for my wedding and got the perfect ball gown wedding dress to hide my baby bump. I could not stop smiling. Ryder slept in our guest bedroom at our house in Tennessee because he and I can't see each other on the day of the wedding. We created a system of making sure we stayed out of each other's way. We would knock on a door from the inside and if someone says "clear" or "not clear" then you can't leave that room.

I knocked on my bedroom door fifteen minutes after I woke up.

"Clear!" Tommy shouted.

I headed out into the kitchen in my pjs.

"You're here early Tommy." I said to him.

"Well I have some best man things to get done." He replied.

When I got to the kitchen, I noticed breakfast was made. A note by a full plate read:

"It's our wedding day, Doll! It's finally here! Enjoy some pancakes and I'll see you later."

I smiled at the note. I was so happy that I would soon be this man's wife.

As I was eating, the doorbell rang.

"I got it." Sway announced.

I peered around him from the kitchen to see who it was.

"Girl I'm here!" Rani shouted and came running in with a suitcase. I hugged her and immediately after, she put her hands on my tummy. "Oh my gosh you're getting so big. I missed you!"

I told her to be quiet because the babies were still asleep. I haven't seen Rani in a very long time.

I heard a knock from the guest bedroom.

"Not clear." Tommy, Rani, and I replied. Rani and I went into my bedroom and shut the door.

"Clear." Tommy said.

Rani and I heard Ryder open the door and head into the hallway.

As he passed our bedroom door he whispered, "I love you, Jada."

Rani immediately helped me get ready. We went over a checklist and she made calls to make sure everything was running smoothly.

A few hours later she did my hair and make up. People started flooding my house. All people involved in the wedding or family members. I stayed in the bedroom and got ready. Soon, it was time to head to the wedding venue, which was a beautiful wine vineyard that our friend owned.

We kept Ryder and I separate the entire time. My mom, my dad, Grandma Cadwell, Adam, May, Emily, Chelsea, Becky, and their husbands, Josh, Andy, Elliot, and Berkeley were some of the people at the ceremony. Lots of Ryder's friends from school were invited and plenty of my friends from New York and Pecan Hill came as well. There were about a sixty people at the ceremony.

"You've got this girl." Rani said as I got cold feet. I was so nervous.

"Rani, I'm about to get married. Married!" I shouted.

"Jada, you love him more than anything. He's your soulmate. Don't let the title freak you out." She said just before she had to walk down the aisle.

She was my maid of honor, accompanied by Ryder's best man, Thomas Sway. Then, it was bridesmaid (and sister) Juliana accompanied by Kota. It took a lot of effort to convince Ryder that my best friend Kota had to be in the ceremony. Next, it was AJ accompanied by her boyfriend and groomsman, Alec. (Her sister Sadie, the flower girl, pushed Viviana down the aisle in a carriage while throwing flowers.)

Soon, it was my turn to walk down the aisle. I came around the corner and looked at everyone with a smile. My dad walked me down the aisle one step at a time. I looked at Ryder's reaction as he got his first glimpse at me. His face lit up like all of the stars in the sky. As I got closer, I noticed him wipe a tear away. Ryder took my hand and my dad kissed me cheek.

"I love you munchkin." Dad said.

"I love you too dad." I responded.

Ryder pulled me up onto the platform overlooking the whole vineyard.

He whispered in my ear, "Wow, you're breathtaking."

His compliment was so sincere. I smiled and blushed as the ceremony began.

"We gather here today to join Jada Caldwell and Ryder Huntley in holy matrimony..." the officiant began, but I zoned out a little.

Even with all the people outside with us, I felt like the only girl in the world. I felt like nobody else was in the room but us. Had he always looked so dashingly handsome? Had he always been as sexy? I couldn't help but stare at him instead of looking at or listening to the officiant. I had never been so happy, well except when my babies were born.

We exchanged rings and I couldn't help but notice that Ryder was just as nervous as me. His hand was shaking too.

"Ryder Huntley, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" The officiant asked.

"I do." Ryder answered with a smile.

"Jada Cadwell, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" The officiant asked me.

"I do." I answered.

"Then by the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The officiant said.

Ryder placed his hand on the small of my back, pulled me towards him, dipped me in front of everyone and then kissed me.

Everyone cheered and threw flower petals and confetti into the air. We walked down the aisle together and headed to take pictures. So many pictures. We stood around forever taking pictures with the family. I was willing to bed we'd be late to our own wedding reception. And it was just inside...

After an hour of pictures, we headed inside to make our grand entrance at the wedding reception.

I heard our cue from the band.

"I'm proud to present, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Ryder Huntley!" They announced. Ryder and I pushed open the double doors and entered the room, my dress cascading around me with every step I took.

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