I'm Fine (Chapter 10)

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We soon returned from the hospital and both our families were waiting for us. They were wondering why we called them to watch the kids and why the cops showed up. We explained everything in detail as Ryder and I scooped up the triplets and the whole family headed to the Huntleys' dining room. It was time for some dinner.

"I'm sorry these past couple days have been crazy." I shyly announced to everyone, with my head down.

"Honey, it's not your fault," Adam said, hugging me.

"Thanks...Dad." I said, calling him Dad for the first time.

Everyone smiled, almost as if they'd forgotten that we were getting married. We put Giovanni, Viviana, and Matteo into high chairs and handed them food. I glanced around the dining room as if I was seeing it for the first time, except this time, I was not repulsed by the animal heads on the walls and the general feel of the room. It felt like home now and I had never been happier.

After dinner, I took my parents to our living room just to see them because it had been way too long since I just sat down with them. I left the kids next door with Ryder and his parents.

"How are you doing, Jada?" My mom asked, with a hint of concern as I sat on the grey suede couch.

I got the vibe that her concern was mainly about my pregnancy and the wedding all happening at once. Of course, she was also asking about my well being because of the last couple days.

"Mom, I'm doing just fine. I know there's a lot of stress going on right now with the new baby and the wedding, but I have everything totally under control. Rani is the perfect maid of honor. She's taking care of everything for me." I announced with a sigh.

"Jada, that's not what I meant." She replied.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I am fine, mother. I stood up without answering her. Then, I walked upstairs. I pretended to be okay because I didn't want to talk about anything anymore. I just wanted to be alone. I plopped onto my bed with a thud.

What is even happening? These last few days have driven me insane. I needed a vacation from my vacation. I was supposed to enjoy the alone time with my family. I just hoped D.C., New York, and the rest of the trip wouldn't be so difficult.

As I stared at the ceiling, lost in thought, I heard a familiar knock at the window. I raced to open it up.

"Ryder. We. Are. Adults." I stated, referring to the fact that he climbed up the side of my house.

He shot me a big, bright smile and climbed into my room.

"I...love...you." He announced in between kisses.

"I love you too." I responded, also in between kisses.

Ryder grabbed my face with both hands and began kissing me passionately. He pulled me into his warm body and I could feel his muscular arms wrapping around my waist. The kiss made me melt in his arms to the point where I almost couldn't stand, but his grip around me held me up. Ryder walked forward slowly, while kissing me so I had to walk backwards towards my bed. As he pushed us towards my bed, he unhooked my bra and unbuttoned my jeans. Ryder's flannel and hat were already on the floor by the time we reached my bed. I let him lay me down and I pulled him on top of me by a belt loop on his jeans. He began to kiss my neck and run his fingers down my chest and then up under my shirt.

"Jada!" My Dad called from downstairs.

"What?" I asked, trying not to moan.

"Can you come here for a second?" He responded.

I groaned and forced myself to get up from my bed.

"Hook my bra, baby." I requested as I buttoned my jeans.

He hooked my bra and redressed to follow me downstairs. I fixed my hair on the way down the steps.

"What did you need?" I asked.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" My Mom asked as she put the dishes away.

My dad was sitting at the table with his back to Mom. We told her we didn't care. She started a conversation about the wedding and she just kept talking. I gave her the look.

"Oh." She said and shooed us out of the room.

I intertwined my fingers with Ryder's and dragged him back upstairs.

"How'd you do that?" He asked.

"I gave her the 'we need alone time' look." I answered.

We locked the door. A little while later we brought the triplets up to the cribs in my room. Then Ryder and I stayed in my room to sleep.

The next morning we had pancakes and eggs that my mom made for us. Before I knew it, we were saying goodbye to our kids and our parents.

"Take good care of them. I love you guys. I'll call you." I rambled to the family in the driveway as we ran towards the truck and tossed our luggage in the back.

We were late because I had trouble saying goodbye to my kids.

"I hope they'll be okay." I said, tearing up a little as we pulled out of the driveway.

"Doll, they'll be fine. They're with our parents and my sister. They're safe." He replied and kissed the top of my head, letting his hand rest around my shoulders.

I snuggled into him on the way to the airport. When we got there, we quickly got where we needed to be. A minute later and we would've missed the plane.

"Goodbye Texas." I whispered to myself, looking out the plane window as we took off.

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