Coming Soon

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***A/N: I didn't edit this chapter first so I hope there aren't too many errors. I hope you like it!***

"The bad news is that you have anaemia. You have a low red blood cell count because of the pregnancy. If left untreated, the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby can lessen and you could lose the baby or she could be born much too early. The good news is that we figured this out very early and if you eat right and take supplements, then you will be just fine." Dr. Fairfield layman's terms. He said a lot more technical stuff than that.

He brought in a dietician to help me plan out what I should and shouldn't eat as well as what supplements I should take in order to correct this problem.

Jada and Elliot arrived as we were headed out.

"Jada! Are you okay?" Jules asked as she approached us.

"Jules, you didn't have to come all the way down here. I'm going to be fine. The baby is fine." I answered and watched as she sighed with relief.

She hugged me, carefully.

We all went back to Juliana's and she fixed up some dinner. I didn't eat much. I was annoyed. I hated always having problems with my health and my pregnancies.

Without saying a word, I headed up to my room. I just wanted to be at home with my family and my children. I began to pack up my bags when Ryder came in after me.

"That was rude, your sister was talking to you." He announced as I sat on the floor packing.

"I'm sorry. I just want to go home." I replied without looking at him.

He sat on the floor next to me.

"What's wrong, baby doll?" He asked.

"I just want to be at our parents with our kids. I miss them and I just don't want to do this adult thing anymore. It sounds silly but I want to move back in with my parents. I'm just sick of trying to be an adult. We grew up too fast." Tears trickled down my face. He pulled me into him and hugged me.

"Baby girl, I know how hard it is to be an adult. I feel like that sometimes too. Sometimes I wish I was back in high school when things were simpler, but we have a wonderful life and a beautiful family. Nothing can change that." He responded.

I pulled away from his hug and looked at him.

"You always know what to say." I answered, "I hate to cut our vacation short, but would it be okay if we went home? I know Rani and Kota would be disappointed, but we'll see them at the wedding."

"Sure. Let's go home in the morning instead of going to New York." Ryder answered and helped me up if the floor.

He headed back downstairs and I sat on the bed to FaceTime Rani.

"Hey girl! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" She exclaimed.

"Bad news Rani, I'm going home instead. I'm sorry, but I miss my kids already. And there's a lot I have to plan for the wedding still. I hope that's okay." I replied.

With a hint of disappointment in her voice she said, "No that's okay. I understand."

Just then Kota walked into Rani's room and I told him the same thing. They both were really understanding. I'm glad to have friends like them.

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