vrene¡au «ep. 01»

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[ a/n: this is going to be my first btsvelvet story. here we go. expect for ep.02 ]

"We are."

"Fu*k." The woman blurted as she tried to escape from the armed guys who have been following her since a few minutes ago. It is ten o'clock in a morning and the sounds of running and glass-breaking are surrounding the whole agency building.

She jumps out the door when she kicked before she could jump out of the rooftop to another building. Fortunately, the woman knows parkour and her skills is incredibly amazing. She managed to escaped the building from the rooftop.

"Are their agents this lame?" She shakes her head as she runs far away from the building. She clearly looks like an agent as her clothes are all black for camouflage and very comfortable and sporty.

"Tsk. tsk. After all, the 'parcel' is on us now." She smirked as she looks at her waist band where a small luggage is hanging as it rustle along the wind.

The 'parcel' is containing an important document inside. Also, a glass; that causes a billion of dollars. It wasn't just any glass. It's a glass of diamond. That's why a carrier should take care of it instead of a runner. Runners never prepares for fragile things. Fragile ornaments that causes that high, should be planned by a carrier before giving it to the one who needs it. Since runner are always the one who sends it the last, so there would never failed.

Ofcourse, carriers and runners are like the same thing. The difference were: runners are more clever and fast when it comes to hiding and escaping. Carriers are more careful, get things done with tricks and they are more like a 'con-artist.'

However, someone has stole it from the owner and it causes a lot of money. Unfortunately, another agency (Irene's small agency's main enemy) got the parcel with them from the thief. Now, all they have to do is give it to the owner when Irene's agency assigned Irene to ruin their plan and stole the parcel.

While on her escape she found an empty building too far from the enemy's agency. She wanted to had a small break so she break in and looks around to found empty chairs scattered around.

"Why do they have chairs here? That's strange. This looks like it hasn't been up for years." She looks around as she strays.

Well, she knows something was up in here even though it wasn't on her plan and just wanted to take a small break. It was her mistake but she will go on a flow if something happens.

Irene is used to this kind of atmosphere and place. Dusty, a little dark with a ray of sunlight through the window and messy.

Not a little sooner, she felt someone was creeping out behind her. A few footsteps were heard and she stops walking around.

Suddenly a loud click of something surrounded the place; a sound of someone who just pulled a gun from her back. "Don't move." A deep dark voice filled the whole room.

She identified that the voice belongs to a man.

"Raise your hands." He ordered her.

But the woman didn't moved a bit.

"Raise it!" The man pulled the trigger and shot the ceiling.

The woman raised her hands up and turned around with a serious expression.

"I caught you finally... Irene." The man said. "Get her tied." He told his other men at arms who have been hiding there before everything have started.

Irene didn't even move a bit to fight back. She even had a gun, but instead, she let them tied her up with a rope on a chair. They also took the "parcel" from her.

"Be careful with that. It has to be safe until it gets to the Director." The man ordered his guys.

"Agent V.." Irene comfortably said.

"Atleast you know." He smiled, sarcastically. "I'm Agent V, the new recruited carrier."

Irene nodded as she mocks V with her facial expressions. "You called yourself a carrier when a runner just stole your agency's belonging?" She laughs. "I'm more fascinated by Agent V calling me Irene."

"Shut up." V aimed his gun to Irene aggressively, not minding any word she's blabbering.

Irene gave him a short cheeky laugh before she made a straight face and glare at V. "Scared?" She muttered.

"From what should I be scared at? When you're the one who's sitting and tied up." V didn't even pulled his gun back down and still aiming it to Irene.

"Sorry, but you should know I'm a runner. If that box is fragile, from this moment your mission failed already." Irene starts thinking about how she would escape with this unexpected situation. Though, she knew they would caught her by no sooner but that isn't planned in this place.

V, in the other, was stunned with Irene's confession.

"..could it be..?" He mumbles at himself. "Check the parcel!!! Now!!!" He ordered the men behind him with his loud voice.

Everyone checks the parcel and the only thing was found were few chicken store's posters with numbers in it and a small log of wood. Everyone was flustered with it. The luggage was the same but it contains different things.

Irene held her laughter before saying, "That's a good chicken house. Wanna come? It was near this building as far as I can remember.." She acted as if she was sincere of hanging out with them, but all knew she was mocking them.

V looked at Irene, took a deep breath and shouted at her. "What the f*** is this?!"

"Unfortunately, your agency have forgotten something about my role and eventually got tricked by a carrier. Our carrier must be really far away from here in his disguise. And any minute now, he'll went to another runner after taking care of the 'fragile' sh*t inside." Irene blurted the truth, because there's nothing to keep for. She knew in the beginning that she was set as a trap.

But, she's serious that sh*t weren't supposed to be happening here, but a little more further, without a chair and a rope.

"Find the carrier now. Track them, call Hacker 600 if possible. Go, move!" V told his men and they started running off the window; most of them are runners probably.

When everyone was gone, V and Irene were only left inside the abandoned building. They were left dead silent after V took his gun down off her and stared at the ground.

"You were turned... into a runner?" V asked Irene with his calm voice with a hint of anger and annoyance.

"So you told them off I'm a carrier without knowing I shift.." Irene responded.

"Why did you-" V left a sigh without continuing what he had to say.

"Ah, shouldn't have I shift so that your plan could go smooth?"

"You know the runner has high possibility to die than a carrier, Joohyun!"

Irene was once a carrier. She wouldn't have shift if it wasn't because of V.

"Don't talk as if we knew each other. What do you know about me?" Irene asked as if something just pressed a needle on her heart.

"Haven't I told you? Don't be a runner!" V replied.

"You know the situation at my agency, Taehyung! Because you were there, once.."

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