"You Are Beautiful" - JisooxReader Oneshot

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Jisoo sings her heart out while preparing her snack. Living together seems to excite her after getting married with her husband. They just moved in as a newly wed in a very nice neighborhood. Taking her bowl of chips with her, she jumped into the couch. Her husband, [Y/N] who's watching the television seriously suddenly turned his head to Jisoo and fixed his eyes on her bowl.

She was about to pick up a piece of chip but decided to turn it back down and starts staring at her husband. "You can get one, if you want.."

Suddenly, he looks away from the bowl and starts watching television again. "No, I'm on a diet." He replied.

Jisoo found herself confuse looking at him, being unusual. "A..alright.." She started munching on her chips while watching.

But she can feel his glances from her peripheral vision. This time, Jisoo felt something strange. He keeps glancing on his phone, looking all anxious. That's when Jisoo took an action and grab his phone from him. There's a few comments from strangers at his instagram about his looks, which made Jisoo furious. "...."

He grabs his phone back from her and hugs his knees while leaning his body on the couch.

"Hey.." She puts the bowl down and face him. "Chin up. Why would you mind such thing?" She cups his cheeks and smiles. "You are the best person in the world. You deserve every piece of chips in the whole world. You're beautiful in any way. Do you understand?"

She hugs him and pats his back, "I'm married with you, we should solve any things coming in our way. Complain to me! We'll find a way."

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