JIKOOK - Memory Of You - Part 4.3.2

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[ a/n : the owner of the fanart from previous part is so dope. i can't. my heart stops from beating. HAHAHAHAH. ]

I don't know how and why. Whenever I see him my stomach aches in a good way. As if my dust blue fairies shows up before my eyes. I feel very happy about it. And I just like it.

I hope he would stop being angry at me. I won't wish anything just him letting me stay beside him. I would be obedient! 

While I roam the wide street in the middle of the night, I have found an empty abandoned building. I can't help it but my dust fairies kept leaving off my body. I feel so weak and I think I'll collapsed soon. 

I entered the building and went upstairs. It seems that the second floor is the most convenient place. I lied down and made myself felt comfortable with my tails.

There are still 6 remaining tails in the process but it really hurts so bad. I'm also dizzy.

Why does being human is hard? All I want is Jungkook's existence not the whole world. Lord Jin... is this somehow my punishment? 

Suddenly a voice answered me before I could close my eyes.

"I'm sorry." 

It was Lord Jin's voice. The God of Happiness and Popularity. 

"Lord Jin!!!" I shouted as I looked around if he had come down. But he didn't. It is only his voice.

"It was just for Jungkook, I didn't know it will come to this. I am a God but I still need to obey the higher up since I was just once an angel." Lord Jin stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Listen carefully, Jade's little creature. I am the one to give people happiness but I am also the one who give people a punishment when they try to abuse their popularity and it was my job to make them realize that they are wrong. That everything doesn't revolve around them. And seek for the real happiness." The Lord replied.

"Did Jungkook committed a sin like that then?" 

"Yes. He abused someone and looked down on people." 

"That can't be, Jungkook is a kind person!!!" I exclaimed.

"People change. And maybe the higher up wants to see that change. Before the kind-heart Jungkook was once a sinner to me. I let him through situations where he would realize that his good-looking face won't get him job or anything he needs in daily life. And so, you, Jimin was freed from Hades' magic."

"Am I... a part of that punishment....?" 

"Unfortunately, yes." 

"But, why?" 

"Jungkook looked down on someone who likes a same gender, though anyone from higher up didn't conclude anything about this type of love. It is still disrespecting and inhumane. Because once, Jungkook was the second human to broke the rule between man and woman." 

"I don't understand. How I became part of that punishment?" 

Nothing is making sense to me right now. However, I am strangely feeling better as I talk to Lord Jin.

"I am sorry to tell you but  you are slowly returning into the book of your story. You are disappearing." 

"W-what? That can't be Lord Jin!!! I met a witch and he said he's going to turn me into a human!!!" 

"I am so sorry. It was by my power to push Taehyung to follow my recipe and to make you drink my elixir but I was only told. You and Jungkook's story was already printed in the history and my duty was to protect but I didn't know it is going to be like this." "You might be feeling better right now, it's because I'm trying to soothe your pain with my power. I really need to go now. But, remember: Though you can't remember, have some thoughts why Jungkook gave you the name Jimin. That is the only reason, you were part of his punishment."

Before I could complain, Lord Jin's voice had disappeared. 

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