Yeo Jingoo x Reader pt. 1

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You and your friend found a black wallet in the karaoke room you rented. It has no ID but only money so you decided to keep it in the room for now. You told your friend that she should keep it on herself and hand it in the counter later because you might forget about it. Both of you then continues to make ruckus in your own room.

After the current song finished, your friend said, "Wait. Let me go to the bathroom right now." And heads out without looking back while holding tightly on her stomach.

"Like right now?" You responded, looking troubled since you'll be left alone. You didn't think you could be left alone for a while and went outside to take some air. Wind hits your face coldly making you shiver on your feet so it didn't took you long to be out. You went inside the centre and jogs your way to your karaoke room since it's in the end of the hallway. You notice someone else is inside the karaoke room by a glance of small movements. You are about to go in and surprise your friend until you realize it wasn't your friend who is in the room! A man in the all black clothing is rummaging the whole room in silence.

For some reason, you thought it is your cue to run. You didn't think of anything else, even if it's the centre's worker you are running from. Danger. That's all you could think this man is.

All you need to do is take a foot step back and exits the place if it weren't for those heavy feeling legs. It feels like running inside of a dream. You're not sure if it's fear that causes it.

Only when you met the man's eyes you are able to move your legs and run. You tried your best but just how fast this man run to be able to catch up with you, you haven't even reached the exit yet.

He grabbed you from your arm and turns you to face him. Making a fuss wouldn't help you at all, especially every room is soundproof even if it's occupied. As the man catches his breath, he begins to speak.

"Give it back now."

Confuse, you only pleaded to save your life. "Sire, I don't know what you're talking about. Just please let me go.." She utters.

The man looks so desperate and annoyed, he thinks you're lying. "Oh come on! If you have seen it, then you should return it! Just return my wallet!" He said, raising his voice at you.

"I don't know anythin-"

As you were about to defend yourself that you know nothing but to plead your innocence, it turns out you do know what he's talking about.

"What? A wallet? Did you just say wallet?" You asked in a confirming tone.

"Yes!!!" Still frustated and doesn't look quite grateful, but somehow he seems more relax even though he sounds angry.

"You could have said it earlier!" You raised your voice, feeling a lot more confident than earlier. "My friend have it with her to return it to the lady in the counter later."

"Where's your friend?" He asks.

"Comfort room. The room by the exit." You replied while observing the man. He doesn't look like the person to lose wallet but he definitely looks like someone who wouldn't put personal identification cards or personal info in his wallet. You thought.

"When is she getting out?" He asks, sounding less aggressive this time.

"I'm not sure. She'll be out any minute for sure." She's really taking the comfort room literally..

You met the man's eyes and he started to look at you as if he's about to say or ask something. You raised your eyebrows as respond to it.

"Why did you run away if you are going to give my wallet back anyway?" He asks, judging you with his stares.

"Bold of you to assume that I knew it's yours. No ID, no pictures. I basically ran for my life with no single clue of who you are!" You replied.

"Do I look scary?" He asks, which weirded you out. Before you could answer, your friend shouted your name, coming out from the CR. While walking her way to you, she gave a look where she asks who are you talking to.

"Where's the wallet we picked up from the room earlier?" You looked at her as you asked. Your friend took the wallet out from her sweater's pocket and hands it on you.

Seeing that his wallet is safe, the man sighs in relief and when he's about to take it, you place it behind you.

"What the?" He muttered.

"You have no ID here, how would you prove that it's yours?" You get all suspicious all of the sudden.

"I came back where I lost it. I must be the last person who used the room before you. What it's there to be suspicious of?" He explained desperately.

"Alright. Convincing. How much do you have in this wallet then?" You asked an additional question. Your friend seems to find you going quite overboard with the attitude so she tugged the helm of your clothing which you ignored.

Even he thinks it's utterly ridiculous, he sighed and gave you an answer. "Around three hundred or four hundred dollars."

You peeked on the wallet to spot three hundred dollars inside. With no doubt you finally returned the wallet.


here's part 1 for you. (jiyaonce) and all of you! it really took like a WHILE. i'm really sorry about the pov. ;(

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