(5urprise) kangjoonxreader

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"I didn't finished my work related shoots just to be a third wheel by you two!" You said, half annoyed while laughing. Being a third wheel is really annoying.

"Sorry, I feel like this guy right here would leave me alone after a while. And this whole thing wouldn't be fun." Sooyeon (your junior at the same college) replied, chuckling on her seat, beside her is her boyfriend, Seo Kangjoon, who is also your bestfriend.

Sooyeon and Kangjoon went to the club together but it seems like Kangjoon highkey enjoys it than Sooyeon. Unlike, Kangjoon and you, Sooyeon likes to eat in a fancy restaurant than going in a club. She doesn't hate it but she just lowkey don't feel comfortable around crowded place she barely knows.

And because of that, out of all the seats in the club, they chooses to sit upstairs and very far to the speaker and the crowded stage. They don't need to shout there too, anyway.

You joined them thirty minutes after they went in. Sooyeon seems to want your presence to take care of tipsy Kangjoon; sooner drunk.

"It's okay. You are treating me these drinks anyway, am I right?" You chuckled and sips on your beer from the can.

"Ofcourse!" Sooyeon smiles and pick up her glass.

Why did I even came here... You thought. Well, it has been in your mind a lot of times.

As you two drink your beverages, you suddenly reminded yourself about things that happened between the three of you. There's a zero chance you've never get involved in their relationship.

In short, you are almost an informant to Sooyeon; everything about Kangjoon. Basically you're a bridge. As the time goes by, you think you made a huge mistake by being their bridge. You just don't think they are compatible, because you realize no matter where they go, [Y/N] is always to the rescue as their "third wheel."

Weird... they are couples right? You thought while looking at them.

But, what can you do now? You're just looking at Kangjoon's eyes tonight, shining before Sooyeon as he looks at her while sipping on his can of beer.

They are basically flirting infront of you, making you gag deep inside. So, you put down your can and stands up. "Hey, I'll just head to the comfort room just a little bit.."

"Go ahead.." Sooyeon replied while staring at Kangjoon's face.

You nodded and went ahead to the comfort room. You can hear them talk to each other as you walk away:

"Can we just go now..?" Sooyeon asked with a pout.

"Let's just stay here for a moment, baby. Enjoy! You should also see how good of a dancer I am." Kangjoon replied and pursue making a joke.

You chuckle on yourself as you open the door of the comfort room at the second floor.

"Good dancer.." You mumbled as you went inside.

You stood up infront of the sink and started looking at yourself while some women passes by behind your back.

"Stop, it's not your business..." You muttered as you smirked. "Their relationship, their problem." You left the room after muttering those words.
Instead of heading back to your seat, you went to the balcony. From the balcony's glass door, you saw Sooyeon running to the comfort room. But you knew the comfort room in the second floor would only make Sooyeon gag.

"Sooyeon stop-" Your said out loud, startling yourself, thinking of Sooyeon's sensitivity. Eventually, as you expected Sooyeon went down.

"Is she going to vomit or what.. why is she in hurry.." You mumbled again.

Suddenly, you heard the glass door behind you clicked open and a familiar voice startled you from your stand.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh- Kangjoon-ah.." You chuckle softly on his presence. "Nothing. Just.. getting some fresh polluted air." You laughed.

"You're one crazy human.." Kangjoon responded with a giggle.

"Hey, would you stop drinking?" You asked while leaning your arms at the balcony.

"Stop drinking? In a club? Silly. There's Sooyeon anyway, she'll take care of me." Kangjoon chuckles as he looks at you.

"Kangjoon..." You looked at him with a serious face and firmly added, "It's me.."

"Hmm?" Kangjoon replied, looking like he has zero clue.

"Whenever you are drunk, I'm the one who takes you home, takes care of you or something. Seeing how you don't remember them- let's not talk about it." You let out a soft chuckle with a hint disappointment.

Hey, stop being disappointed silly.

"Right? I wasn't delusional all along...?" Kangjoon immediately responded and walks closer towards you.

"What do you mean by that?" You laugh while avoiding eye contacts with him.

Kangjoon leans his back on the balcony while looking at you. "I just... every time I'm drunk, you are at home every time. But I'll call Sooyeon asking if she dropped me last night, she would say yes. I almost went to a professional to see if something's wrong with me." He laughs softly.

You laugh along with him then attempts to go outside by taking a few step towards the door and mentions Sooyeon. "Let's go, Sooyeon must have been looking for us-"

A hand grabbed your wrist from walking away. You looked behind you to see Kangjoon's pleading eyes to stay.

"Kangjoon.. let's go-" You pulled your hand away but Kangjoon didn't let go.

"Am I normal?" He asked.

"...you're drunk.." You replied.

"That's not what I'm talking about.." He looks at his hand grabbing on your wrist. "Why do you think I thought I was being delusional seeing you taking care of me when I'm drunk?"


(pretty short. but hope u all like it. conclusion: he likes you, however, he only realizes that after being with someone else. he's a fool. haha.)

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