Irene x Male Reader ♡

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"His Answer.."

Loud voices here and there, clunks of glasses and laughter; these noises dominates the whole Soju House. It's a restaurant where every employees under the near infamous company works and earns money for themselves and mostly for their own family. These workers thinks this small restaurant is the best spot and stop after a tiring day as they crack their backs and stretch their arms.

With that fact, a bunch of employees decided to head to Soju House. It seems like they are going for a small dinner within the company's managing team. They consist of six persons as a team, including Irene and this team's face genius leader, [y/n].

It seems like Irene keeps glancing at this leader from behind as if there is something interesting within him.

As they walk, passes few buildings, someone suddenly bumped at Irene; well, purposely to catch her attention. [Y/n] is ahead of track so he wasn't really informed of what's going on at the back.

"Rookie!" He called Irene in a teasing way. It's Kim Seonho. He's not Irene's friend neither boyfriend. Unfortunately, he has something to do with him.

"Stop that. I'm not a rookie anymore. It's been a year already." Irene replied with a frown.

"After confessing like that to me, you're still going to be like this?" He replied as if he was bragging about it while being a jerk.

Irene did confess to Seonho, however Seonho rejected her completely. Though, Irene isn't that type to get hurt easily. So, she does not care about him anymore.

Irene smiled to him brightly. But he seems flustered with herㅡtrying to be cute.

"W-what are you doing?" He stuttered.

"Did I confess like this?" She responded sarcastically with a bright smile she just made. "I confessed like this." Irene then made a serious face, reenacting her reaction while confessing to him the other day. "Right?"

"Ugh, so cold.." Seonho rubs his palms against each other and hugs himself, mocking Irene for being a cold person as he walks away.

When he passes Irene, Irene rolled her eyes and even shakes her head.

After a short walk, they've reached the loud house with many visitors. Luckily, they have found an empty table perfect for the team to continue their dinner plan.

Surely, their dinner does not just consist of eating and talking. The beer and soju bomb or also called as "solmaek" while they are having grilled pork or beef; the samgyeopsal.

Seonho makes the solmaek and Irene grills the meats.

Everyone seems to be having fun after a long day of work. Just sitting around the office, holding papers and working on their desktops that is on repeat is just boring and no fun. It's all [Y/N] idea, so he must be satisfied of his decision of taking everyone in this place. He smiles on himself while looking at everyone enjoying the night.

Breaking the gossip noises on their table, one of the team's member, suggest a type of game that includes the whole situation and the only thing they have in their table.

"Are you saying we are going to play Truth or Dare?" asked by the lady in her pink blouse.

"Let's just do that then.." [Y/N] responded, he never played this game before with anyone and also this is his very first time in the company; though he's not really into this type of game, he decided to, because he wants to know everyone, especially that one girl in her red woman suit, Irene.

Everyone took turns as they spin the bottle. Each one reveals their truth and someone did not dare to tell the truth and instead had few shots of alcohol. Even, the team leader has a secret to hide.

After a few spin, it became Irene's turn to tell the truth or declines to answer.

The guy with them in a blue shirt asked, "Do you like anyone in this team?"

Irene is indeed, pretty and pure of elegance. However, Irene has pretty strong personality too. But Irene has trust issues in guys. Even though she tells them she likes them, she still puts her guard up and builds a strong wall between likes and love.

"Me." Seonho brags in without letting Irene speaks for herself.

For a second, that made [Y/N] annoyed.

Irene glares on Seonho in disgust and it made her put the glass of alcohol down on the table. Seonho looks at Irene, confusely. "What?" He asked. "You confessed to me the other night." Seonho added.

Everyone seems to be shocked by this revelation of Seonho. Though, she didn't tell to keep it a secret, Irene is just annoyed right now. And, [Y/N] too, maybe.

"You... confessed to him?" asked by the lady who has been working with them for few years.

Irene nods. "Yeah, but I have someone in mind already."

Another revelation, to make everyone burst their eyes out; in disbelief, maybe.

"What?!" ofcouse, Seonho.

"Why? Do you think I'll cry over the corner when you refuse me?" Irene raises her eyebrow at Seonho.

[Y/N] in the corner, must be exploding in anger right now. But, he's remaning still, especially when he's the best to know about the company's policy regarding about dating.

Is he angry about breaking the rules or...?

Poor Seonho was about to answer Irene, when someone asked about the other guy he likes right now.

"Is it also one of us here?" They added.

Irene nodded, she's kind of unsure to tell but she did.

"Really? Then, who-"

Irene pointed out on [Y/N] without hesitation with a cold stare. But deep inside her, she's shaking and her heart is beating so fast than the usual; it's very different when she's with Seonho.

"Teamjang-nim?!" responded by everyone in chorus. (Team leader.) Just as shocked as everyone, [Y/N] were startled on his seat and blinked. He doesn't know if he should be delightful and pleased about it or not, since everyone is gathered around.

"Are you confessing on him right now?" Asked by the guy in navy-blue suit.

"Oooooooh~" The guy in skyblue teases their team leader who is keeping the same face from earlier.

"Not really." Irene replied. "He received the confession from about 10 years ago."

< ends here. conclusion is, Irene confessed to you but you turned her down. but she isn't that hopeless to go for more than one person. ♡ >

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