"Drunk" - LiSoo Oneshot

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Lisa sings really loudly on the street, beside her, Jisoo who has her shoe on her hand. They are completely wasted. Drinks after drinks, to completely forget how rough their day is.

Lisa suddenly bumped on a streetlight and mistaken it as a person. "Oh? I'm not drunk, you-" She pointed on the post with her eyes half closed. "Sunbae, look! This guy right here just- just.. just bumped on me. I didn't do anything!"

Drunk Jisoo feeling responsible as a senior, she opened her eyes wide to glare at the post. These two just thought that this post is a 'man'.

"This bastard-" She come at him and pushes the 'man' away, placing her head on the it and picks a fight with it. "Don't make me punch you!"

Lisa nods and glares at the 'man' and started shouting. "Help! Help! We are being ganged up! Help!"

People are staring at them and can't stop laughing on how drunk they are to act like that.

Jisoo gave her shoe to Lisa and starts practicing her punches and kicks infront of the 'man'. "Call 119, just inform them the situation of this guy before they start moving." (referring on how good is she going to beat the man up)

Miraculously, the police came and both of them blacked out.

The next morning, a video of them starts spreading around the internet.

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