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A/N - this is just a filler.

Changbin's POV

"Can I walk you home?" Felix asked.

"No, that'd be weird."

"Why would it be weird?"


He ended up walking me home anyways.

*20 minutes later*

Almost half an hour had passed and it was still raining.

"This is my house." I said.

I rang the doorbell because I didn't feel like grabbing my key out of my bag. I had probably forgotten my key at home again anyways. After a few seconds, the door opened.

"Oh honey, you're all wet." said my mom looking at my whole body.

Then I noticed her eyes wander towards Felix and his umbrella.

"Did you help my son get home? Thank you."

He gave her a smile and nodded.

"My goodness, you're all wet too. The both of you should come inside." she added.

"I don't won't to be a bother." said Felix, ready to leave.

"It's fine, really." she said right before pulling the both of us in.

My mom took Felix's umbrella and gave us both towels. She also told Felix that he should call his parents.

While Felix was calling his parents, I decided to make us some hot chocolate. I started to think about how weird it was to have this Felix guy in my house. I mean I just met him today. I guess my mom was just trying to help him out.

Felix got off the phone and came into the kitchen. I handed him his hot chocolate.

"Thank you for inviting me in." he told my mom.

"It's no problem."

"I wouldn't want my son's boyfriend to catch a cold when I could've helped him out."

"Mom, what the heck! I literally just met him today!" I snapped.

"Oh sorry. It just seemed like you two were dating."

I looked at Felix hesitantly but when we made I eye contact I turned away. I was flustered by my mom's comment. How could she have thought that Felix and I were dating?

"After that coco, you should take a warm shower Changbinnie."

Felix chuckled a bit when she called me Changbinnie. People call me that all the time but I was still embarrassed for some reason.

"Your friend can take a shower too if he wants. I wouldn't want him in wet clothes the whole time." said my mom, emphasizing 'friend'.

After that comment, none of us really talked. Mother had gone to the living room, leaving me and the basketball boy alone.

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