Chapter 5: Wait Game

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Watching people arrive and leave proved to me that I have been sat down here for quite a while unless they are all very impatient and left after a few minutes. I doubt that is the case though - there would be no point! Even the hardcore fans who waited behind for the boys had disappeared. They had no such luck to meet their heroes. I was the only one still here. I kinda liked it though, it was quiet and dark apart from the buildings lights which were dimming over time as the moonlight lit up the road brilliantly.

 Contemplating everything and nothing, my mind cast to Pierce The Veil... obviously! Staring at the buses, which where parked about 5-8metres away, I wondered if they were already on-board and that fans were stood outside for nothing. Saying that, why did the band not drive away to a safer place? Maybe a hotel or something.Woah, I could potentially be that close to my Mexicans right now! That's closer than when i was at the barricade at the concert earlier (there is a big space for the photographers, security and whatever between audience and the band). Should I go closer to the bus? That way, I could probably hear them so I know if they are definitely in there or not. What would happen if I did? I would be interrupting them and are probably too busy for me anyway. Besides, I wouldn't be able to meet them as there would be too much security and that. What if I said it was my final dying person's wish? No. That sounds like I have a terminal illness, not going to end my life on my own terms. If I even mentioned suicide, they would lock me away in care or take me away somewhere. Maybe I should just leave now. Why am I even sitting here in the first place? Sooner or later, I will be arrested by police or moved away because I am loitering near celebrities.

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