Chapter 22: One Thing After Another

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"Tony really said that? The fuck is wrong with him. I'm not trying to defend him or anything 'cause that's a really shit thing to do but he is going through a lot lately" Jaime poorly comforted me. I simply sighed. "Still doesn't make it right though. Want me to talk to him for you?" I shook my head.

"No. no. It's okay. Just give it time. I don't want you to get too involved if you get me because I don't want to come between two friends"

"I understand. Whatever you want but you won't come between us. Don't worry about that!" Sighing again, I laid down on the sofa me and Hime was at on; resting my head on his lap gave me different senses of comfort. He was soft as a pillow but I felt safe talking to him and I knew he cared about me. "It will be okay flower. It will. I'm just glad I found you"

"I know Hime, I'm glad you found me too." Curling up, he stroked my hair as we sat/ laid in silence. Not an uncomfortable silence. Just silence apart from our busy minds yelling loudly. Knowing Jaime or in fact anyone in his position would have a million questions flying around their mind but obviously he won't want to ask in fear or upsetting me.

"Look. I'll explain what happened"

"You don't have to if you don't want to" he cut me off. I sat up again.

"No I want to.Well, basically, without going into too much detail, Tony and I did, erm, 'it' last night so he kinda saw all of me or something. I don't know. He musta seen something he didn't like 'cause this morning he was sat in his garden with his head in his hands and he looked upset and he-he called-d my b-body horrible. I know I don't have a pornstar's body but am I really that bad?" At this point, tears were streaming down my face as Jaime pulled me into a hug.

"I... I am lost for words Flex. I don't understand why he would say that!"

"Me either" I paused to think for a few moments as we sat in silence. "Unless," It suddenly made sense now, "unless he saw my scars. They aren't everywhere though" I thought out loud. Jaime pulled his head away so I could see him raise one of his bushy eyebrows. "I er sel-used to self-harm. I stopped though! The night we went back to where I used to live, Tony found out that night so it shouldn't be a shock to him"

"I'm sorry" Jaime apologized and gave me a friendly kiss on the top of my head. "is there, erm, many? Sorry, that was heartless"

"It's okay. Erm, yeah, I guess" I thought for a while longer, "I have some cuts and 'horrible'-looking bruises from beatings I have endured"

"It was probably them then. Tony wouldn't actually be calling a beautiful girl like you horrible. It probably just took him by surprise" Jaime smiled at me and gave him a small one back trying to ignore the fact he had just called me beautiful.

"Thanks Jaime. I am probably over-thinking everything" I hugged him again.

"No problem, kiddo. Remember what I have said before, I am here if you need to talk"

"That's mutual" I spoke, snuggling up to him in a friendly way and he accepted me. The truth was, I am still head over heels in love with Tony and I just want things to be right but I am still upset about it all.


Waking up in the same place as yesterday, I could feel something warm and fluffy on my chest. It was a small cat. Jumping, the animal started to lick my nose which tickled.

"I see you have already met one of my cats" Jaime chuckled, myself laid on top of him, same position as last night meaning we must have fallen asleep. Grabbing the cat, I sat up so he wouldn't fall off me and perched at the end of the couch. Jaime moved next to me, stroking his pet. "you hungry Flex?"

"Hm, maybe a little" I shrugged.

"I will make my specialty... pancakes!" He jumped up excitedly like a small child and rushed into the kitchen to make breakfast. Glancing over to the clock displayed on the TV, it was 7:12am. Laying on the floor, I was playing with Jaime's pets. They were all adorable. Ever since I was little, I have wanted a pet. I guess most children wished that.

Eating Jaime's pancakes - they were delicious - we made small talk between chomping on the food. "Coming to Mike's later? I am not sure if Tony would be there." I nodded. I needed to talk to Tony but I am not sure if I should wait for him to come to me or give him space, I don't know what to do. "Okay, well I'm gonna go get ready. Once you've finished, come upstairs and I will give you a fresh top to wear. I'll put it on ma bed. Just come in and get it. i will be in the shower" I grinned as a 'thank you' and shoved another mouthful of food into my gob. I didn't realize I was that hungry! I suppose the pancakes were too good to waste. Devouring the plateful, I added everything to the dishwasher and climbed the stairs. Immediately, I noticed Jaime's room as the door was open and I could see his double bed with a top laying on it. Looking around the room before entering there was no sight of Jaime. Picking up the top which I have borrowed before - an old football jersey - I decided to quickly change it.

"Oh sorry" I heard Jaime exclaim as I whipped my top off.

"It's okay, you can come in, it's ya room." Gingerly, he stepped in with his eyes wide. Slipping his top on over myself, I smiled at him. "Thanks Hime". He stood there for a moment, just staring into my direction. "oh, I'm guessing you think I am 'horrible'-looking too. I should, erm, go." Holding back the tears, i started to walk out of the room but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him.

"You're, you're beautiful. Tony's loss" Jaime, placed his hands on my hips and I wrapped mine round his neck playfully. A stray tear trickled down my cheek as Jaime chuckled and wiped it away for me. He stared into my eyes for a few moments before leaning in. Before I had time to react, his lips crashed against mine. My eyes snapped open and I pulled away.

"What the fuck Jaime?"

"Sorry, I was just caught up in the moment. I'm sorry it didn't mean anything." I couldn't speak back. I was numb. Breathing became difficult. Dropping to my knees, it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest as my breaths shortened and quickened as if I was being strangled. What the fuck was happening to me? The world seemed to spin at an increasing speed.

Then everything went black.

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