Chapter 36: Hand On Heart - Part One

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After throwing up again the following morning, I realised that I must almost defiantly be pregnant. There is no other excuse that fits with these symptoms as well having a baby does. Leaving Tony a note saying how I have nipped out for a bit and how there is no need to worry, I quietly left the bus - I didn't want to wake anyone up as they were all still snoozing - and found Oli and Jordan at catering in our latest destination. The singer was just the person I needed to see.

"Hi guys" I called, walking up to the two band members, who were stuffing their faces with pancakes, deep in conversation.

"'Ello love" smiled Oli, sipping at his drink.

"Could I have a word with you?" I twiddled my thumbs.

"Always fucking leaving meh" the keyboardist joked, walking off somewhere.

"What's up?"

"Well, you know you said you are there if I need ya" he nodded, "well I guess this is one of those times." He raised his eyebrow in slight confusion and misinterpretation while softly running his thumb across my bare shoulder and resting the palm of his hand on my arm. "If possible, if you don't want to that is fine and I totally understand if you can't or don't want to or anything. I just know that someone is driving your car along with us incase you need it and that and I feel kinda cheeky for asking but I-"

"What would ya like?" Questioned Oli, cutting off my rambling.

"To go to a chemist"

"Sure that's fine. The way ya were talkin' sounded like I had to drive ya to a druggie or something... That's fine. Wanna go now? Susie is just around tha corner"

"Yeah great." Honestly, I couldn't help but to feel guilty that I was practically using Oli but I didn't really fancy doing this on my own. I understand that he wants to help and all that but i can't shake away that feeling. "How's Hannah doing?" I asked, remembering that she was pregnant, probably about four or five months now.

"Great. She's doing... Great. She hasn't really suffered from anything yet apart from the morning sickness but ya know, there is still time to come." Some reason, hearing that she was doing extremely well - even though she is living by herself at the moment - in a way comforts me. Surely, if she can cope, so can I.

"How you feeling? Still pucking?"

"Yeah... Every morning". As we stopped at a red light, Oli turned and looked at me in the eyes. "Do you think you're-" I nodded before he had time to finish. "Wow" he muttered, obviously in shock. After a moment of awkward silence, the singer spoke again. "Are you happy?"

"I think so.. I don't know... It wasn't planned and tour life isn't really a place for a pregnant girl. I'm not sure how Tony will react"

"Ya 'aven't told him?"suddenly, the male driver behind us honked his horn loudly, making the pair of us jump a mile. "Crap!" Oli hissed, realising the lights were on green and we weren't moving. "Sorreh" he apologised in his thick accent. Waving his hand in the air as we drove off, the angry middle aged geezer flipped us off as he zoomed past us.

"I wanted to be sure before I told him. I didn't want to concern him if it wasn't to be"

"I suppose that's a good idea with him havin' a lot on his plate at the moment. I'm still not quite sure if he's over the Jaime thing yet"

"Yeah, I'm still a little pissed at Hime but we gotta move on"

"Exactly. Better not take my eyes off the lights this time" giggled Oli, pulling up to another set of lights. "So I'm guessing you're buying a preg test?"


"maybe our kid could be friends with your kid...Yeah then as they grow up, go to concerts together to watch their old men on stage." As Oli spoke, a tear formed in my eye. The thought of raising a child and how Tony would do anything to protect him or her. I mean, he is a fantastic godfather to Jaxin's child so surely he will be that and probably even better with his own.

Once at the store, my eyes were fixated on the building. I hadn't realised I was staring until Oli grabbed my hand. He was staying in the car incase there was so people in the shop that was going to the tour; we were close to the arena.

"That's Tony Perry's girlfriend" I heard a little girl's voice whisper behind me as I joined the queue. "look Taylor, she must be pregnant!" Fuck, how do they know who I am? Can't they keep out of other people's business. They can't know that I might be pregnant before Tone.

"Hey girls, you are both obviously PTV fans. So am I" I pointed out, realising how stupid I sounded. Obviously I'm a fan! Durrr! "This" referring to the test "isn't for me. It's for a friend but she was too nervous to buy it. I think she's still in denial." Thankfully the two fans chuckled. After paying, I told the girls that I would tell Tony that they were asking about him and quickly skedaddled back to the vehicle.

Slipping into the bathroom on the BMTH bus, I took the test. Nervously, I paced up and down the bus waiting until it would be ready. The other members weren't there but it was lunchtime so they are probably at catering. That was for the best anyway.

"Time" announced Oli.

That was the longest five minutes of my life. Sliding along the slippy tiles, i grabbed the test. Eventually, I built enough courage to look.

"Positive" I mumbled.

"Congrats. You better go tell the daddy"


"I don't know. Shit, I have to go. Will you be okay here?"

"Yeah. I just need to do something then find Tony. I have an idea"

"Good luck love" Oli smiled before jogging off the bus. Raiding the Bring Me bus, I found exactly what I need. The daddy should find out in a special way; that's precisely what I was planning to do.

I filled a plain cardboard box with strips of blue and pink paper (god knows why they had that on their bus!) along with a note and the pregnancy test that displayed positive.

I just needed to give it to Tony.

Stepping onto PTV's bus I found him in the kitchen, gnawing at his nails.

"You know you shouldn't do that" I giggled.

"Baby" he spoke, throwing his arms around me. I blinked away the tears. There will be two babies soon I thought. "I was worried about you"

"I told you didn't need to be. Here, got you this." Simultaneously, as I spoke, the rest of the band entered. Fuck, least they are close friends. "It's very expensive and possibly the best gift I can ever give you".

"Exciting" Tony grinned as the others watched in awe.

Carefully, he tore out the paper without a thought on the colour until he reached the note. "Can't wait to meet you Daddy!" He read out loud as his face dropped which panicked me. He picked up the test and his big brown eyes were fixated.

"What is it Tone?" Vic asked.

"Is this real?" Tony directed to me, ignoring the first question. I nodded smiling through my tears.

"Wow" he mumbled.

"Are you okay?" Jaime asked Tony who had stiffened up, wide eyed.

"Yeah.. I just.. Need to take it in" standing up, Tony pulled me into a hug, still stiff, before leaving the bus.

"Should I follow him?" I questioned out loud.

"No. I will" Mike jogged out after the guitarist as I fell onto the couch, throwing my head into my hands.

"It will be okay Flex. You know how things get with him" Jaime smiled, trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah, it's a big thing this is. It would spook anyone" added Vic.

"Yeah. It scared me to be honest"

"Exactly he'll be fine. Just needs to come to terms with it as do you" Jaime explained with Vic nodding in agreement. "He's with Mike. He will be fine. Mike does have a sensible side, he just doesn't show it" he laughed.

"Wait, does that mean you have a non-hyper side?" Vic questioned the bassist.


They were probably right, but it still worried me. What if he leaves me? He might not be ready to be a father. It might ruin his career and I would be the cause of it.

I'm a life-ruiner

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