Chapter 8: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Woah, where am I? What the fuck is that noise? Darting upright, my eyes raced around the space for something to remind me of last night. To my right, Tony was passed out next to me with his arm around my shoulder. Oh my, did I stay with them all night? FUCK! When I get home, I am going to get killed - well that might stop me doing it tonight anyway. A few hours early won't make any difference. Slipping away from Tony, I grabbed one of my merch bags and found the bathroom - it was tiny! In there, I freshened up, redid some makeup i had with me and replaced yesterday's tank top with my new ADTR tee - thankfully, my hair wasn't too bad. Staring at myself in the mirror above the sink, I wondered about the situation. What's going to happen? Should I just leave? Are we even at the venue anymore or have they driven to somewhere else? Breathing out, I left, placed my bag and tank top where it was earlier and I looked out of the window. We where in some car park not too far from my house. If I left now, I could arrive home in 10 minutes. I can't just leave though, they are my heroes and they have done so much for me; throughout my life and over a space of a few hours ago.

"Do you want a drink or anything to eat?" turning around, a sleep-looking Jaime was stood in his underwear only looking at me with a bedhead. It was adorable!

"Erm, a coffee please" I requested, walking closer to him so I didn't have to shout. He smiled in response.Looking around, it appeared that everyone else was asleep and it was only us two up.

"He's a stranger snorer isn't he?" Jaime chuckled, nodding towards Tony who at this point was spread out on the sofa. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing too loud as I didn't want to wake anybody up. "One time, we shared a room together and halfway through the night, he suddenly stopped snoring for a minute or two. I was like 'oh my God, he's dead' but he suddenly kicked in snoring again. I panicked. I actually thought he died!" I couldn't hold my laughter in anymore and I snorted as I laughed which made us chuckle more.

"Oh my, cannot believe I just snorted!" I exclaimed as Jaime clutched his stomach with laughing so much.

"You, you sounded like Austin Carlile!" he shouted and I blushed as I have a major crush on him! "Don't be embarrassed, it's hella cute"

"God, well I am... you calling Austin cute?"

"You a- well no but you are" Jaime spoke which made blush more, I was probably as red as a tomato! All I could do was smile and take my coffee from his grip before taking a seat at the table on the right side of the bus. "Soo" Jaime dragged out as he sat opposite me, "what you thinking about?"

"nothing, just thinking" I leant my head against the curtain and looked out of the window. He held onto my arm which was on the table and stroked it with his thumb. "I should really go home, I have taken enough of your time up" I sighed. It was true, I was going to leave last night but I must have fallen asleep or something. Besides, my time is almost up - in a few hours, I will be dead. "I should have gone last night"

"We enjoyed having you! Don't feel like you have taken our time. You haven't trust me Flex" Jaime reassured me. Suddenly, Tony let out a large grunt and a loud snore. "See, Tony agrees" Jaime laughed which made me chuckle.

"Maybe so, but I have to leave sooner or later. Longer I stay out, the worse the consequences"

"Strict parents?"

"Something like that"


"It's a real shame you gotta leave" Vic spoke as he and Tony walked me home. Like I said earlier, the tour bus was parked roughly 10 minutes away from where I live.

"It was really amazing meeting you guys and thank you for everything. I always hoped I would meet my heroes but I never thought it would ever acutally happen, never mind, going on your bus!"

"heroes eh?"


"Oh yeah, we are heroes Tony!" Vic messed around.

"Like the Ninja Turtles!" Tony exclaimed which made me laugh as he was basically keeping up the Tony Turtle reputation he owns.

"Well, this is me" I sighed as I stopped outside the scruffy building I called 'home'. I really didn't want to be here, I didn't want to be beaten but I might get away from it. It's midday so Pamela is at work and Father will be drunk now - I'm hoping passed out. Hugging them goodbye, I cried; I really tried my hardest not to but the tears fell.

"Darlin' you'll be okay" Vic whispered into my ear which made me cry more. I won't be 'okay', little do they know in a few hours I'll be dead.

"Stay amazing" Tony spoke softy.

 "I love you guys" I cried before walking away from them into hell, I mean, 'home'.

Avoiding the loud floorboards, I stepped through into the house, being as quiet as a mouse, to go to the stairs so I could hide in my room until I was time.

"Where the fuck have you been bitch?"


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