Chapter 17: Fly High

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It has been a few days since Jaime and I had that heart-to-heart and everything seemed normal like before. After discussing parts of Jaime's situation with Tony, we had decided to come out to everyone about Tony and I were dating. They all seemed cool with it - even Jaime! Although it was early days of mine and Tony's relationship, I had come to the decision that I really liked Tone, i mean, who couldn't! He was kind, considerate, handsome, great listener and just overall perfect. I just really really like him and hope he felt the same way. Currently, we were at the airport preparing to fly to Germany for a festival before finishing their tour. Honestly, I was petrified for when the tour is over because what do I do? Where do I go? I can't go back home. I can't.

"Random question but" Mike asked, "Have you ever flown before?"

"Nope" I replied, "I'm really nervous about it actually."

"Wow. I can't imagine a life without flying and traveling about?" Jaime spoke. The rest of the boys nodded their heads in agreement while I just sat there feeling slightly awkward. Eventually, we climbed on board the plane and sat with Mike as we had become really great friends as well as wanting to not fly with his brother for a change. Tony and Jaime were together and Vic was with one of the guitar techs.

"Least my first flight is a short one" I half-laughed and Mike laughed too.

"Yeah but you better get used to it. From here to San Diego is roughly 15.5 hours, depending where we fly from/ to of course"

"What? San Diego. What?" Was I missing something or was I just being unbelievably dumb?

"Yeah, where we live?" He laughed, "I thought you were a huge fangirl thing"

"Yeah, yeah I know but why would i have to get used to flying for San Diego or whatever you said?" I asked, confused. He turned to me and grabbed my hands and held them, looking at me in the eyes.

"Flex, we want you to come home with us. if-if you want to that is"

"Are you fucking serious?" I practically yelled forgetting I was in a public place and probably pissed everybody on board off. Basically jumping into his arms - squeezing him tightly - I saw Tony, Jaime and Vic who were all sat across and diagonal from us giving me a thumbs up. Tears threatening to fall, I flashed a huge grin. "Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!"

"Hey don't worry but stop shouting" Mike stared seriously at me for a moment before bursting out with laughter and I joined in. As the planes started to rumble, I started to panic so Mike grabbed my hand again and held it. "It's okay darling. It's all okay" he reassured and it honestly helped me.

"Thanks again" I smiled at him.

"Don't worry, I used to be nervous flyer" Mike shrugged, "I gotta pee" he jumped up and ran down the isle. As i was sat at the window, I leaned over the empty seat to Tony and Jaime and we spoke until Mike returned. I loved how close we had all gotten but was this right to move in with them? What if me and Tony break up badly, they were his friends first so obviously they would stick with him, not some fangirl they had just met.

Several hours later, we all arrived at the hotel they were booked in and because it was pre-paid, I obviously wsasn't regesited so they snuck me which involved running, crawling etc. It felt a bit like I was reacting King for a Day music video with them!

"Right guys" Jaime pointed his finger at both of us after we put our bags on the two double beds, "us three are sharing a room so no sexy times" he spoke sternly trying not to let the smile creep across his face.

"Awh but babe" Tony closed the gap between himself and Jaime, "what about Hime-times?" he stroked Jaime's face.

"Well that's an exception for you" Jaime winked at me, directing the speech to Tony, making it obvious to Tony and we all laughed. S-Seriously though guys, go have sex in the Fuentes room... that sounds wrong! Holy crap!"

"Incest ew!" Tony and I said in unison. Maybe we were great together. No promises made about the no sex rule though. "Anyways, I gotta go see Vic about 'omething, wish me luck" Tony chuckled and walked out leaving Jaime and I alone. We haven't been alone since 'that night', I suppose we have to become used to it, afterall, it's not like anything would happen. We are good friends, besides, I'm with Tony and I wouldn't want to change that for the world.

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