Chapter 33: Over and Over Again and Again

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"'They'll never take us alive,
'cause I'll chase away the darkness.
I'll live in love and die.
I joined the party for the recently blind.
So if we're heading there together you can sing all night.

I'm gonna tear out the thread one by one from your skin
'till your bones feel embarrassed by all the attention.
Kiss me while I drive.'" Vic sang into the mic, performing with the band in the basement of his house.

"Can we repeat that one. Can't quite get the riff right?" Jaime stressed in frustration as he tugged at his spiky hair slightly. The rest of the band nodded. I love that. How if one is struggling, the others will help him. Usually, the band just leaves them behind. This is one of the many reasons why this band is special.

"Bury me in the bedroom where I,
I can sing you to sleep all night.
Put me next to the open window,
promise me a second time.
'Cause I don't want to leave without you buried by my side.
I'd rather kill the one responsible for falling stars at night,
'cause they fall all around me.
The night can be deadly.

And they'll never take us alive.
(Can you chase away the darkness?)
To live in love and die.
Last night she recited every reason she's fine...

"That's not the lyrics mate" Jaime giggled as they all stopped playing, wiping small beads of sweat from their brow.

"'Ello... Yes... Sure... Nope we do... Really? That's great... Sure... Awesome thanks mate... Yeah I'll tell 'em." From what the singer was saying, we couldn't understand much but it sounded positive.

"Right lads, we are going back on the road" he announced. My heart dropped. Tony can't leave me alone as selfish as that sounds. Not now. What if I actually am ...

"Flex, can I talk to you a sec?" Tony questioned, walking over to the couch myself and Mike's latest girlfriend was on while interrupting my train of thought. Standing up, the guitarist and I wandered outside to get some fresh air. My mind was racing as my heart pounded out of my chest and my stomach did somersaults.

"I'm just gonna ask this straight up, do you wanna come on tour with us?"

"Yes!" I answered with no hesitation. I need him now more than ever before, including the time i almost committed suicide.

"Good" he embraced me a quick hug before going back to practise while I skated home as I was tired and wasn't feeling too good.

Fuck, anxiety.

Nothing is ever easy is it?


"Want another drink Flex?" Vic asked, shaking an empty bottle in front of my face. His long hair was much messier now under the dark blue beanie. The lads had came round after practise to celebrate the new tour with a couple of beers and whiskey.

"Just a glass of water please." Moments later he returned with what I ordered along with two beers for himself and Jaime.

"You have something on your sleeve" motioning towards my left wrist, Vic's face fell with concern as Tony's eyes darted over to me as fast as a bullet.

"Oh" a smallish blob of red was forming on my clothing. Fuck! "Must have split something earlier." I lied, hoping they were gullible enough to believe me. I hadn't cut in two days roughly so they shouldn't be bleeding.

"Yeah, must be the ketchup from the burgers. I think I'll go change" I bounced up, running upstairs - out of sight. There, I realised that my bracelets or something must have caught my cuts and ripped one open.

That was a close call!

I am going to have to be more careful.

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