Chapter 15: Careful

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"Wanna share my bunk tonight?" Tony asked once I came out of the bathroom after I changed into my pyjamas. Well, leggings and a large top. Only me and him were up as it was gone 4am and everyone was exhausted.

"Sure, i mean, yeah if you are okay with that" I stuttered smiling. Ever since we kissed, I could not stop thinking about the kiss or him.

"Of course it is." Sneaking past the other sleeping beauties, we climbed into his bunk after switching all the lights off. Wrapping his arms around me, I voluntary snuggled into him; my back against his bare chest, I felt like I finally belonged somewhere. Was this right?

"So Flex, where did you sleep last night? You weren't on the sofa this morning" Vic asked, pouring himself some cereal.

"I er, shared with Tony" I acted as normal as possible. Both Tony and I agreed to keep our relationship a secret between us until the time is right and we don't want to tell everyone if it doesn't work out - we thought this was for the best!

"Cool, didn't his snoring into your ear keep you awake all night?"

"Not really" I shrugged, "I think it's kinda cute at times. Well until there is a large rumble. It's like an earthquake" I joked laughing, I wanted to sound like we were nothing more than friends.

"Anyways, i gotta run somethings over with Jeremy so I'll catch you later" Vic hugged me and let the bus with his bowl of soggy cereal. Laying on the black sofa, I thought about Tony and everything that comes with him. Do I really like him? Does he like me? Why kiss me? Did he kiss me just because he felt sorry for me?

"Morning Princess" Tony whispered into my ear so Mike and Jaime didn't hear in case they were awake. Leaning down, he quickly pecked me on the lips. I wished it would last longer but I didn't want to be caught. "Sleep well?"

"That must be the longest time I have ever slept for!"

"Good" He winked before chuckling.

"Oh sorry I didn't know you guys were here" Jaime walked into the room where me and Tony were in, "I er" Jaime rushed off the bus.

"Jaime wait!" I shouted and ran to the door but he slammed it into my face, hitting my nose.

"Oh my, Felicity, you're bleeding!" Tony rushed over to me with some tissues helping me. "It's okay, it's not broken or anything. Does it hurt?"

"what do you think?" I smiled sarcastically. It really did; my poor little nose. Thankfully, I didn't have my new nose ring in; that could have done some serious damage. Tony smiled at me understanding my harsh comment.

"woah, what happened here then?" Mike asked worried, walking over to us wearing nothing but boxers and socks - stylish!. "God, you're bleeding. You okay?" He rubbed my bare arm.

"Yeah, just Jaime slammed the door in my face. Accidentally! Accidentally!" i repeated to ensure that Jaime doesn't come across as a bad person. He really wasn't - fair from it! He was just acting very strange lately.

"Here" Mike passed me some painkillers which I downed without any water. "Has anybody else noticed how he has being acting?"

"i thought I was the only one who noticed!" I exclaimed in relief as Tony nodded his head in agreement.

"is he okay?" I asked worried. The two boys shrugged. Hope Hime-Time is okay, he has being such a kind and caring person to me as well as him making me feel welcome and at ease when I was scared and nervous. Well, that's what friends are for!

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