The time after

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Chapter one The time after.
Hey guys this is my first time writing a Fan fiction so I hope you like it. If you have any tips or would like to make a suggestion feel free to comment or Let me know over Instagram (@starwarseditsz)

Chapter 1
Reys P.O.V.
It has now been 3 months since I have last seen Ben. Ben Solo. The guy who I thought turning to the light side and standing next to me as my boyfriend, husband or at least friend.
The last 3 Months were awful I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and if I finally did sleep well I had Nightmares. But not today, today was different. I slept really good and I hope that the nightmares have finally stopped.

Poe, Finn and the other part of the Resistance is going to look for a new base today. They don't want me to come with them (I don't know why). But I'm okay with it I can have a chill day. Right now I'm living in an apartment on a planet called Aargau. I don't know much about only that we have to "move" out of here. I haven't really been out to inquiring the planet, but I might today even tho Poe and Finn wouldn't be happy seeing me walking alone outside. They say it's "to dangerous". PFFF telling me A JEDI that it's "to dangerous" outside.
Well anyways I should finally get out of my pjs and into my everyday clothes. After I have changed I got my keys and headed out the door. Just as I closed it I saw Finn and Poe heading my way.
"Rey!" Screamed Finn and we hugged.
"How did you sleep today?" Poe asked
"Like always, a stone." They don't know about my nightmares nobody does.
Finn: "Well Rey, we have to go now don't forget DON'T go outside."
"I won't. Okay guys see you later then. BYE" and kinda ran to the elevator so I could tell Chewie about my plan of going out just so that one person knows where I am if something would happen. Which I don't think but I better play it safe.

After talking to Chewie the whole Resistance well the ones who are left went into their ships and went on the search to find a new bigger base.
As they left I went and got my Lightsaber from my apartment and went outside.

Ben Solo P.O.V.
I know that this girl Rey had done something with my head I just can't get her out. Every time I think about her I either have this feeling in my stomach like 1000 Tie fighters are in there and just cruising around. Or i have the feeling of sadness NO anger because when she could have been with me she left. Just like my father.
I usually can't sleep very well I have nightmares. ESPECIALLY I SHOULDN'T HAVE NIGHTMARES, but I do and they are just getting worse. Today was kinda weird because I didn't have any nightmares but it's okay they will probably be back tomorrow. I always try making contact (Forcecalling) with Rey again but I can't reach her as if she had blocked me. I'm going to try and reach her today again after my meeting with Hux. Right the meeting with Hux I should start going.

Hux: "Supreme leader Ren we got some information about the Resistance leaving the planet Aargau. Should we visit them and destroy them before they can leave?"

Maybe I should go alone and find Rey?

"No I'm going alone. Prepare my ship. Wait here If I see a way to destroy them I am going to let you know."

I took my lightsaber went into my TIE silencer and gave the coordinates of Aargau into my navigation system and let it calculate the time I will be needing to arrive. 1 hour in Lightspeed. That's going to be a long ride. I started to fly to Aargau to Ray hopefully I will see her. But what am I going to do? Kill her, tell her to come with me? Or maybe let her guide me to the light side? I slowly start hating it here the darkness my nightmares maybe it will stop if I join the Light?????

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