Is it true?

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Chapter 6


Oh no what did I do. I runs towards him and start tearing up. „BEN. BEN."

he doesn't answer. I turn him around and he is laughing. He is literally laughing

„You. I was worried!" And I punch him

B:" Hey it was sweet. Now I know how much you like me."

„MHM RIGHT YEAH I TOTALLY LIKE YOU." I say with a sarcastic voice.

B:" You don't?" he said it with such a sad voice. I just hugged him „ So you do like me!"

„Hey don't jump to conclusions here!" He puts his hand on my cheek and comes closer and closer. Our lips almost touch but I pull away. „lets go watch the movie I think we have trained enough for today." He just looked at me with a sad puppy expression.

B:"Okay let's go."

We went back to the apartment in silence. As we entered I went straight to the bathroom and showered really quick. Then I put on my PJ and went into the living room. He stood in the kitchen smirking at me. He is so cute. I sat down.


She looks so pretty wither wet hair down. Urgh I wish I could stand here for ever. I went into the Bathroom took a new sweatpants and a black basic T-shirt and put them on. I walked back to the living room ad sat down next to Rey. Gosh she looks so pretty.

„So what movie are we going to watch?."

R:" I don't know. You choose one."

She stood up went to the kitchen and made some popcorn.

„How about some Horror?"

R:" No except Horror."

„Then something romantic?"

R:" YES. How about Twilight?

„The Vampire and the Wolf movie?"

R:"YES. PLEASSSSSSE." She looked at me with the cutest expression ever.

„Fine but only if you..." Oh no I forgot to tell Hux he should stay still. Oh no what If they are coming.

„Rey fast I need a transmitter or something to call Hux."

R:" Why? It's on the coffee table."

I dial Huxes number

Hux:" Who is it?"

„It's me Kylo. Hux yes everything is fine I will stay here a little longer so don't do anything just be prepared that when I call you you are coming until then DON'T COME DON'T PLAN ANYTHING!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Hux:" yes I do Supreme leader Ren but why?"

„Just wait I have a plan and I need to stay here for a little longer."

I hang up and look to Rey she just looks at the popcorn popping and puts it into a Bowl.

She sits down next to me. She starts the TV and we start watching Twilight. Urgh I don't like this movie WHY in there World should there be a Wolf and Vampire fighting for the heart of a normal human?? Rey leans her head on my shoulder. WHY DO I WANT TO KISS HER SO BAD?? I hear her breathing is getting slower I think she fell asleep. YES YES she is she is so peaceful when she sleeps. I pick her up again bride style and carry her into the bedroom put her onto the bed lay next to her and pull her closer to my body I feel her breathing on my chest and I like it my last thought before I fall asleep is does she love me?


I wake up again next to Ben I look up to see his face and he is already awake.

„ Good morning"

B:"Good morning" He says with a big smile on his face we stare into each other eyes for about 1 minute before I get up but he grabs my hand and pulls me back into bed.

„What are you doing I have to get ready." I say with a little sarcasm(I have literally nothing to do)

B:" Well I want to cuddle a little with you!" He says with a smirk on his face he pulls me closer. I just lay right across his face just a few Inches away and look into his beautiful eyes.

The Love, the hate, the balance	A Star Wars fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now